Note this person is using toast because they showed pictures of it they do this to say they are “cooking” me… this is what “spirit cooking is I believe.” Meaning they send people around people they target that believe in God and republicans to try ti frame them. They do this by gas lighting them using symbology in this forum. So every where I went people have red shoes in, Disney stuff, basically acting out critical race theory…. This is going on in my place I live with mult people… when I go to stores… as I am driving down the road because the use your phone date from large tech companies…. This is what they mean they can use AI to program or hack people to do what they want behavior or so on…. They also send cars around all dented up like a voodoo curse to try to make me get in a car accident… they get people to try to scare you hiding behind things and so on…. I think they give them discounts to stores or pay them in crypto to do this basically. It is all done to try “teach people…” however they really rare gas lighting and trying ti frame them… this maybe where all the money is going in the government and inflation is so bad basically.
I just go though every day that this constantly goes in like basically hired gang stalkers and gas lighters the other… thing is they try to scare people because they believe it may make them get worried they will either dig or do something like crash there car. This maybe why heart attacks are happening and brain aneurism.
They basically use AI to do this with other large people in corporate tech. It is however basically communism authoritarian rule. This is what universal healthcare is really people that want to gas light people they don’t like to try to get them to do something to get them in trouble.