Boomers are not baby boomers they are IMMIGRATION BOOMERS -
Think Infiltration.
The term "Boomer" is indoctrination. America did not have a baby boom it had an immigration boom.
My parents were the youngest children born to my grandparents. My dad was the 13th child my mother was the 15th child. They settle this country. Long before Christopher Columbus "sailed the ocean blue". They are Adamic not Asiatic.
They sent my families' men to war and flooded this country with immigrants. Sometimes tripling the population of their areas.
Just start researching how long most people have been in this country. Most have not been here past the 1900's. Think infiltration not invasion. The framework was being set up in the late 1800's.
These immigrates could never survive with welfare (research the Catholic church). It is the vehicle the Canaanites (Jews) always use to resettle people.
Majority of people called Boomers have arrived in this America in the late 1930's and 1940's.
Just so you know….I am too young to be a boomer. I would like Boomers to return to their country of origin - Most never went through any kind of citizenship. They rely on birthright citizenship which is another lie perpetuated by the Catholic church (Canaanites).