Anon theory on PSYOPS, Artificial Intelligence, and the Digital Battlefield
Anon believes that generally speaking, the "dead internet" theory is correct, especially if the scope is limited to social media. For twitter-fags, what percentage of activity on twitter is organic? What percentage seems to be from bots? I'd guess about 90% of things I see on Twitter are from bot accounts. Coupled with the Twitter algorithm, when people use twitter, they are quite literally subjecting themselves to what amounts to and AI-driven, personally tailored propaganda campaign. Remember the Snow White supercomputers? If we know about those, imagine what is truly state-of-the-art in terms of super-computing and uses in psychological warfare at this very moment. I suspect quantum computers are used to drive this, but that is a different topic.
Reddit is similar. If you have ever visited the "sub-simulator" communities, you know that it is essentially an experiment where the entire community is run bot bots and different AI/ML algorithms are used to drive interaction between the bots. Some comments and posts are pretty obviously bad, but a lot of them would pass the Turing test.
Now imagine that the US Military has a much, much better version of these AI/ML engines. The deployment of these algorithms on the internet would be the ultimate psychological weapon on the digital battlefield. You could shape public opinion, influence voting behaviors, drive consumerism, stir dissent, etc. The power in such a machine/algorithm would be absolutely the most effective military weapon in history. Coupled with the advent of extraordinarily realistic deep-fakes, the possibilities are nearly endless. If you expand the scope to include most of the internet (remember all those IP addresses the Military took control of?), you could basically consider the internet itself as one big PSYOP.
To wrap up, I believe that Social media has been weaponized with AI bots, driven by supercomputers (remember Snow White?) that seek to sow discord and influence opinions at a massive scale. Anon believes that we are in the midst of a massive "WarGame", driven by Pentagon-backed psychological operations using AI and quantum computers.
Would appreciate anon's thoughts and opinions.
Interesting reads on AI & PSYOPS
Deepfake Technology in the Age of Information Warfare
AI Algorithms Could Rapidly Deploy to the Battlefield Under New Initiative
Reddit Sub-Simulators
PSYOP, Cyber, and InfoWar: Combating the New Age IED
Minutes before Trump left office, millions of the Pentagon’s dormant IP addresses sprang to life