>>16053180 PB
>Times Square
>Con Edison
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV604/10/202012:42:54 ID: 766698
8kun/qresearch: 8746625
Patriots: be cautious in your interpretations of info posted. False expectations [& push] based on 'speculation' will only weaponize those who attack us [MSM].
Why does [MSM] expend resources [daily] attempting to discredit?
Do you provide the playbook to the enemy w: specific dates?
Logical thinking.
FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)
Future proves past [events unlock].
Think CEO departures.
Think FBI departures.
Think DOJ departures.
Think State departures.
Think WH departures.
Think DIA departures.
Think Pentagon departures.
Think Senate departures.
Think House departures.
Think Amb departures.
Think IG departures.
Think Judge install.
Think SC install.
Think WH install.
Think FBI install.
Think C_A install.
Think DOJ install.
Think US ATT install.
Game theory.
If you look you can see.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: dd8776 No.7243093 📁
Jul 29 2019 11:34:19 (EST)
Reminder re: impeachment.
2/3rd Senate vote required to impeach POTUS.
Logical thinking.
You are watching D's'con'liberal base using 'hope' tactics while maintaining 'POTUS obstruction of Justice' FAKE NEWS narrative.
Think 2020.
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ04/10/201800:25:02 ID: 83ca4f
8chan/qresearch: 978104
Anonymous 04/10/2018 00:23:44 ID:65b2f8
8chan/qresearch: 978080
First word in the article is
CHONGQING, China — For more than a decade, Chinese automakers have been talking about starting large-scale exports to North America and Europe, prompting periodic worries in the West that companies like General Motors, Ford and Volkswagen might be crippled by Chinese competition the way they were by Japanese imports a generation ago….
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ04/10/201800:19:12 ID: 83ca4f
8chan/qresearch: 978017
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/09/2018 23:59:12 ID:83ca4f
8chan/qresearch: 977691
Thank you Xi.
Good start.
China/CQ cancel.
Jen Psaki to reportedly leave the White House for MSNBC
[Search domain nypost.com] https://nypost.com › 2022 › 04 › 01 › jen-psaki-to-reportedly-leave-the-white-house-for-msnbc
Apr 1, 2022White House press secretary Jen Psaki is set to leave her gig later this spring to join MSNBC, according to a new report. Psaki is in exclusive talks with the cable network and has been in close…