nice sesame seeds, baker
Department of Homeland Worry, I'd like to make a claim
My Fav '60s Gang Bang Song
Cherry Hill Park - Billy Joe Royal 1969 (ext. ver.)
spirit cooker
Attorney Robert Barnes is suing the FDA. BTW, they think they are above the laws that created them and can't be sued. Anyway, Barnes said that in his research he found that one third of all drugs that were released as safe and effective by the FDA had to be recalled. ONE THIRD.
I tilt my hat the other way.
are ya lost little darlin' 'cause you know the rules
>There's not a one of us who wasn't approached by satan.
I told you a million times, never exaggerate
NIAID Fauci land
no way! not while your hat is tilted! that's like crossing the streams
#1 eternal rule of life, always look at her mother
ya, I saw that in a Star Trek movie
who kicky dicky?
video tape source? wow