Anonymous ID: dbdd5e April 11, 2022, 6:56 p.m. No.16057663   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Know what the Commies have been doing for well over a decade & 1/2 now? Something will "mysteriously" disappear from shelves and people will scramble trying to find it online – paying higher prices because NOW it's "in demand''.


When that same item re-appears, its:

Smaller; Has shittier ingredients; Of course more expensive.


People look at the gimmicks on the packages but do not apply common sense. For example, paper products. People don't look at the SQ Footage or dimensions. Notice (as butts got wider), how TP has gone from over 4" wide to under 4" now? Crap has been shrinking but all people see are the "Mega Rolls" deceitful gimmicks.

Used this brand because it had always stayed consistent and WAY better than "big brand" – UNTIL it "disappeared" last year.


Truth In Advertising Laws are as dead as Smith Mundt!