@BO the clowns belong to you now… Been far too long since Q spanked your ass.
just saying… BO has not brought the hammer down in a far too long… (no I do not Think BO is an AI or a BOT…
sure… totally a clown… if that makes a sad pile of human excrement, like you feel a tiny bit better about your so called existence…. I'll take it..
Really?? Wow…. OMFG… The Meme War is Real!!! We Finally have a worthy Adversary!!!
I'm going back to bed..
Q, can we at least have an enemy with a clue??? Please????
Obviously it is you that should Lurkmoar, because Obviously. kiddo, you just learnt a new word… now use it in a coherent sentence.
Trying to quit drinking.. Soon™ hopefully…. lets try to not remember when I was drunk baking…