Since we’re clock fagging early in the morning I’m gonna go ahead and post what I think is the correct clock layout. We need two sets of clock hands, one forwards, like we have, and one backwards.
POTUS gave me the hint the other day at the rally for the fags that may remember that.
Clock fags and experts of other types of faggotry I have had a breakthrough!!!
Clock started - 10 days = clock started ten days before 12, or 11:50, or 11:10. (111 confirmation shows up multiple times to confirm).
The fuckin clock runs backwards, as I suspected. At least the lowercase “clock” does.
So we wind a backwards running clock forwards, from 1/6 (Q said to wind the clock on this day) to 12/7 (clock started, per Q).
That’s 335 days, (or minutes), adds to 11, and coincidentally is 11 months, 1 day. Another 111.
A clock wound 335 minutes from 11:50, guess where it runs out faggots??
You guessed it! 5:25, or 5:5.
We need to shift our dates back 10 days and run them in the opposite direction, from 12/7 headed counter clockwise, starting at 11:50. It won’t affect the dates we’ve been landing on, only the clock we’ve been using and whatever comes with that.
When we do this, Q’s first post on 10/28, lands on 11:10, another 111 confirmation.
Now, the “CLOCK” is the one that I think runs forward. There are 2 sets of instructions to “wind” and “activate” the clock, one lowercase and one capital. Q doesn’t give us a starting date, but we can assume a mirror I think. The “wind” instructions are a day off too, which is interesting. Anons have noticed their 111 theory being off by a day before, if we have overlapping clocks running in opposite directions with dates off set by 1, that makes everything a little harder to predict.
So the forward clock winds from 11:50 (11:10) backwards to 5:25 (5:5), and starts forwards from there.
Also, red castle, green castle, I think red dates should be the counterclockwise dates and green the clockwise.
Need some help on what the activation means too. And if you use the lowercase “on the clock” posts from 4/6 and 4/21 it looks like things get interesting around 1:15 on the lowercase clock.
Let’s goooo!!!!!
>>1605196 lb
>>1605207 lb
>>1605730 lb
>>1605239 lb
Need a graphic fag’s help here.