NWO - netherworld order, the order of the underworld (ger. Nieder-welt-ordnung)
There is a story called "enkidu and the Order of the NetherWorld" in the Gilgamesh epos (3000-2600 BC).
Note that the most original version of the Gilgamesh/Kish Tablets appears to be the Proto Sumerian texts which are "hard to find online". (the author points to http:// etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/etcsl.cgi?text=c.1.8.1*# [no https])
The younger Akkadian and the Babylonian are cabal-approved versions, sanitized by the self proclaimed rulers and plastered all over the web.
Other descriptions are "the order of the underworld" and "the order of the dead".
(Mark Passio said he heard the cabal call humans "the dead", this would fit nicely.
He also heard them being called "the unbegun" =the beginning/awakening of the masses delegitimizes the cabals reign according to their own ideology.)
The cabal seems to have skewed language to have new/nether derive from the same root.
They use the term new instead of nether to confuse people, while they know what they mean.
old greek neo: new
old greek neother: nether/below/under
(a symbolic wordplay to hide the truth in plain sight
Analogy: how AL(god) and ai(artificial intelligence) resemble one another, Al/AI)
Astrologically every 2k years the earth moves into a different star sign, and the cabal seems to set up a new religion for each.
At this point my opinion differs from the authors (sauce below).
He believes it would be impossible that 2000 years ago someone would have appeared right when the cabal was about to shift religions. I would call it divine timing.
The new religion is for aquarius. Historically people believed when the sun goes down, it shines in the underworld. And since water quells from the ground water connects both worlds.
So the new age of aquarius(the man from the water) is the age of the dead, the underworld. "Harvest time."
This text in part challenges the christian narrative, but allowing it to stand on it's own it helped me to look with more compassion on other abrahamic religions.
It points out the contradictions it makes.
He believes symbols show alignment with the cabal, i believe the cabal piggibacks/subverts symbols because of their inherent power.
There are other interesting parts in this text. For example:
That Islam the accuser (groomed power trip) was designed/infiltrated to destroy Christianity (groomed guilt trip) from the get go. Which is why the Western cabals appear so masochistic right now.
The merger of all races into one having the purpose of creating a unified looking slave race so that there is the slave race and the other race, the pure bloodlines.
I believe very wise/spiritual people have written the sacred texts ordered by cabals who them selfes can write as well as shills can meme. No creativity of their own, a.k.a. stupidity. So some parts of these texts propose evil as ordered, but most is pretty divine stuff.
He also has some interesting views on symbology.
Like Passio he relates Christianity to the sun, and Islam to the moon.
The author relates Judaism to the moon as well. Passio relates Judaism to 'the stars' in his "Fake Ass Christians" videos, where he points out the cabals influence on Christianity.
The Zionist Order
The Netherworld Order
The Order of the Moon godess
The sumerian moongodess Innana is the egyptian godess Isis of the night, warfare and destruction.
The most sacred stones in Islam are encased in a vesica pices, the vulva of the moon godess.
This is how Muslims are supposed to be mocked and paganized. It's one of their ester eggs.
(The stones them selfes are located in the black block in Mecca, Antifa call them selfes the black block. To get rid of many white men, let the Imams denounce Antifa for hereticism once it has served its purpose? Use Antifa's secrecy to suspect all young white men? Also, Antifa has no official buildings in stone, so they seem to be designed to be forgotten.)
The christian trinity of man, son and spirit (the absolute feminine, all consciousness no energy/masculinity) is described as two men (light/dark) and a woman in the sumerian texts, and resemble the trinity of the egyptian father, mother and son (nuclear family).
http:// folkmaktnu.wordpress.com/tag/nwo/page/2/ [no https]