white house press corp zombie in tha house
sup dude, llooking to spread disinfo, not done lapping up psucki false flag morsels?
white house press corp zombie in tha house
sup dude, llooking to spread disinfo, not done lapping up psucki false flag morsels?
you really should let loose more, and stop holding all that pent up fbi frustration / rage ..,
name the brandon - faggot
serial fapper lustin over gender x perrenial tween hoggs texting ghey ukranian hookers after party sspent hunter special - limey baldheaded lisper billie kristol
groomers gotta killer grifter sales pitch
gonna use it to sale muhWares
anybody care to get groomed while your bank account is cleaned out
Papa Bear
boomer asking whats wrong with you? bitch, whats wrong is fucking people like your groomer grifter sucking life out of society kunt liberall ass
spill em titties and splain
bet you waited a long time to pull that one out, timely too. so you win this round anon, \
nailed it -
alas, without em rules this board would be in complete romney shambles , pure mayhem and disorder. uncles sleeping with their neices and their moms, witches and and tranny whores in libraries reading to children lying on top of them, babies left to die - aborted alive
Go on, wut part of the laptop from hell is taken out of context?
he already has "don't fap ghey"