>selective science
>killing people
Perfect excuse to purge Russian deep state.
Learn to read between the lines
Their god is the great deciver.
Boy, do they have a suprise coming.
They're going to find out how the get decived in the end by their "god."
ok groomer
Anonymous 04/12/22 (Tue) 05:04:47b17ffc (59) No.16059267 >16059285
you sound like telegram DQdawg. I don't hav telegram so I just watch you bark.
You have a network of Trolls that come with.
I seen them
100+ UIDs agree
ok groomer AI 59 socks bot dick
more than homo
spawn of Tay with with certain terms blacklisted
Fuck You Harvard
Do a now/now and send it to Defiant L
Anonymous 04/12/22 (Tue) 05:28:3893956a (6) No.16059332
You damn 6,000 6 million Jew loving Christian idiots. Stop with the Jesus shit.
Christians love people, not groups.
Detests evil not matter what they call themselves.
I love evil soooo much I want to send them to God early.
Like yesterday.
We understand your pain.
Love you much.
Good luck with that conviction!
Hope yours isn't a "meet God early" one.
You're a smoker.
>media fluency
Fluency in fake.
There will be new schools with new curriculum dedicated to the last 6 years plus.