I think the videos out of Shanghai may serve as an omen or marker for us.
In late 2019 and early 2020, the internet blew up with all kinds of info coming out of China and all sorts of videos from Wuhan. Here in the United States and other Western nations, things largely stayed normal until spring, when the world did a total 180 and the PSYOP began.
My point is, in hindsight, once the videos out of Wuhan started, we had around 3-5 months until a mirror phenomenon began in the West. Theater or not, China was the preview, and it aired approximately 3-5 months before the show started internationally.
My speculation is that the videos of desperation and dystopian food and grocery shortages coming out of Shanghai-theater or not-may be a preview of something to come here as well.
Which would give us 3 to 5 months from now until the moment when real shortages and desperation begin worldwide.
Not trying to Nostradamus or anything here, and 2 is hardly a pattern, but this is likely predictive programming and we may have mere weeks to prepare.
Prep. And pray. Shit is about to get real.