When i was in my late teens, I stumbled upon an up-close-in-my-face proof of very deep and soul-rattling corruption inside Government. Over the past thirty plus years since, i have tried my best to minimize my entanglements with [them]. Over the years, i have also learned NOT to try and share so much, try convincing/persuading friends and family about Our situation. I think i may have prolonged their own self discovery, by scaring them away from me, and only further into the ‘Loving Arms of Big Daddy Gov’. But alas, [They] have penetrated so much of everyday life, it is nearly impossible to live beyond the reach of Official Criminals. And so many people, otherwise good people, have largely ‘gone along to get along’… and thus have a very difficult time agreeing that We are infact held hostage, yet mostly by our own hand.
Letting go, walking away, bowing out, ‘dropping out’… all have been made to SOUND like someone “giving up”. I say no, not in this case where [they] have rigged The Game. NOT participating with a criminal’s demands, while that criminal can or already has pulled out a gun to make one participate (like trying to pull the guilt-gun that ‘you just have to vote’)… IS NOT cowardice nor surrendering.
It is much more like staring the criminal in the face, and laughing at them. My Constitutional Bill Of Rights, are not up for a “vote”.