he's a goddamn scholar, i tell ya
>never forget the 6 gorillion!
>the worst made up atrocity in modern history for all the rest of time!
>prepare for war to preserve peace
couple other guys had that sentiment too
both were attacked by the crown
wasn't saying that the sentiment is wrong
just that the group of (((democracy makers))) don't want people to have that mindset
they push the lie that an unarmed populace is safer than an armed one so long as their underlings have them and lord over everyone else
everything in the current year and the entirety of the zoomer generation has been coddled to have weak mindsets
weak physical appearances (compare men in their 20's-30's during the 50s, 60s, 70s to the same age group today)
i can't figure out how people don't think this is a deliberate agenda and attack
what a massive faggot
even though it was smaller than usual, there were still at least 5,000 people in commerce, ga while that ass goblin claims only a few hundred while biden couldn't even get 100
most of the people even "attending" biden's speeches were his interns or paid staffers
2022 reboot