this bitch looks like a trans Willam Dafoe
Is there a specific reason for that rule other than enforcing the need to remain anon, including in gender?
What if I wanted to pose as a uni-boobed non-trinary?
Low IQ meme. Why shit on them for it then? That's like saying men are dogs for wanting to see ass and tits. That's built into their survival psyche too.
Bless your heart anon. God be with you.
Interesting. I would imagine whoever was the one who conceptualized that ritual has met few intelligent women who are capable of logic and reason. Understood.
mega fucking kek
If Twatter is any indication of some semblance of public opinion, I'd say the Taterflation and the purple dress ballot scammer has been making the rounds and been pretty successful red-pilling operations.
Seems that way to me too, anon. There's so much to be divided on, there's almost no more room to love it seems. I'm glad to have my spouse. We move as one and consider each other greatly. It's a major contribution to our success. Coffee cheers to any anon in the struggle for a partner.
kek. Red Scare. It's scary for them cause chances are, it's right on the money.
What's with all of the retarded ALL CAPS shills?
FUCK IT. I'll filter the bastard.