Was that really bidan in the video? I saw when an Anon poasted it here earlier asking what was wrong with the world, or something n then the video was deleted. I didn't know what it was n didn't clique, then I'm seeing picrel everywhere.
Clearly you don't understand how vibration/reality works. You make God small.
Then why aint the shit ever been isolated no matter what it is?
(Not arguing with u. I watched it. A lot of it doesn't resonate or add up but then supposedly there are patents.. I guess a Dr. went on Stew show and provided those. I didn't watch. It just doesn't make sense to me..
If you put 2 = signs at each end of the sentence, it will make your text nice and red.
Your condition is lifelong because your mind keeps it there. Negative vibrations are GUIDANCE that what you are thinking is not aligned with what God knows to be true. The pain is your indicator that you have to make a legal U turn and think the more hopeful and optimistic thoughts. Your attention to the "problem" keeps it there. If you want to heal then you have to trust and believe you will be healed, anything else is completely wasting your use of imagination. Imagination/thoughts= vibration and then you perceive them as your reality. So Daniel turned his back on the big lions that wanted to eat him for a reason. Energy flows where attention goes. So now that you are aware of what you don't want, you must take the bounce and write down the opposite, which is what you DO want. Once you know what you want, now you have to trust God will deliver or nothing will change. God can heal EVERYTHING. It's the humans who let themselves down by not believing in their heart's desires because they can't see HOW God will answer.. they think it's impossible because their little human mind can't figure it out. God answers the prayer, not you. Your job is to counter the negative vibes with better feeling positive thoughts AKA FAITH. Faith isn't seeing with your eyes at the current condition. Faith is knowing you prayer is good as done before you see it.
Be like toots the lil fighter..
Is that em snakes around baphomets erect penus?
ThanQ. o7
There's some moar here.. maybe around 20ish minute mark.. for 30 minutes or so..
and here:
This one is pretty fkn wild, but the longer piece is in the other one. MR CAPS LOCK would prolly greatly benefit from these. God has NO LIMITS. We limit reality with our thoughts but the luciferians don't hold back for one second. and that's how they're in control. Normies just regurgitate everything the luciferians throw at them and they accept it as if they deserve it. People lost their self love/connection to God.
Yes faggot. The pain is in your mind. You are translating it through your consciousness. Where tf else do u think your pain is happening? If you were not aware of it then would it hurt? No. What do you think pain is? PAIN MEANS YOU HAVE DESIRES THAT YOU DO NOT BELIEVE YOU CAN HAVE because you feel unworthy. If u were having sex rn you would forget all about your fkn pain.