While doing some looking into the Delong file of that wikileaks email after looking at Jack the Ripper, I came to a horrific conclusion…
Judith Barsi was likely a victim of a "Jack The Ripper" op, in addition to Pedowood. Given crooked LA P.D/coroner, the way the bodies were found (Judith on top) and the sadistic method of torching the body (along with the murder suicide official story), we have a perfect match for such an op.
I belive I know why too. Her heart/soul was likely too pure for sexual abuse related programming that happens in pedowood. If my deduction is correct, then I know who ordered the op….Steven Spielberg.
The details of the Barsi and O'Rourke cases keep getting worse the more my investigation continues. Right now I'm struggling to hold back tears of rage.