Wanting evidence makes one a POS?
Right, because things should always be left up to the comped "investigators" and the people have no right to hold anyone accountable?
By the way, you do realize asking if he wanted a copy of the drive was a joke, meaning for bargaining chips for buying twitter?
Are you really this stupid or do you just play it on the internet?
>He is a personification of love and good
"Why do you call me good? God alone is good" - Jesus
Why do you project that onto me? I don't have a media crew or social media influences. I am after only Truth.
Because you're either stupid or playing stupid.
Notice you didn't answer me asking if you realize it was a joke about buying twitter?
>Stupid confirmed
>You know, that ritual where everyone was trained to eat the flesh and drink the blood of God's son?
I'll never understand that one. Everything you eat should be in remembrance of Him, not just some crackers and wine/grape juice some guy who exalts himself "blesses" and allows you to eat.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE.
"And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. Whoever has ears, let them hear" - Matthew 11:14