B.H. = criminal alien
The unconscious does not discriminate between fictional and real inputs. For instance the TV commercial where characters are recommending products to other characters, all the unconscious picks up is the recommendation - Id doesn't know what a TV is. If you are lucky your Ego gets to discount the value of the recommendation, but probably not because it is fake input.
We make judgements all the time on incomplete data. No machine can do anything like we can. Not even close.
These salesmen and politicians who don't have their noses to the grindstone coding AI topics seem to have great difficulty differentiating between the fake pitch and the facts. A lifetime is short and the propaganda is hardcore.
The crux of this phenomena is the synchronicity of the overt vision of the transhumanists with the Commercial v. Reality paradox. They are projecting the inability of their unconscious to diff Liz Holmes from Steve Jobs, and to recognize the inbtentional connivance of the marketing criminals involved in that crime.
Projection is like reading the inside of their own eyelids.
33 shots
+ 62 y.o.
Failed Atheist Retirement Plan
It doesn't know its own history. Sad.
and [they] reminded us how they cheat.
I will be feeding my neighbors. I know how to deal with animals.
My Gang.