The Benefits of Borax
In my year-long quest to detox my body and to take my health into my own hands, I’m exploring another one of those hidden gems – Borax. After much research and a keen understanding of what Borax really is, I decided to give it a try. First, let me tell you what it is.
Borax is also known as sodium borate, disodium tetraborate or sodium tetraborate. It is mostly mined from dried salt lakes in California, Turkey, Kazakhstan and the Tibet region of China and it is a naturally occurring mineral. Borax is the salt of boric acid. Borax is a compound containing boron, which helps to strengthen bones, whiten and strengthens teeth and detoxifies the body.
You may be familiar with 20 Mule Team Borax found in many grocery stores as it is used as an additive to laundry detergent, a cleaning agent, a water softener, an insecticide and more.
Boron is derived from borax which is found in all naturally grown plants and unprocessed foods, but in low amounts because of the conditions of our soils and from our cooking and processing methods. Good diets usually provide 2-5 mg of boron per day. Borax is a crystalline salt where boron is the chemical element.
Health Benefits of Borax
It has antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
It is effective against Candida.
It is excellent for healthy bones, joints and different forms of arthritis.
Boron supplementation increases testosterone (converts testosterone to DHT) and estrogen (converts E1 to E2 to E3).
It converts Vitamin D to its active form.
It normalizes Hormones
It improves vision, psoriasis, balance, memory, heart challenges, and cognition issues.
It detoxifies fluoride, chloride, and bromide.
It decalcifies the pineal gland and detoxifies the body of heavy metals.
It kills Dermadex mites, which are responsible for acne.
It reduces inflammation in the gut.
It makes vitamins more bio-available.
Boron increases cognition and healthy brain function. Not advisable to take before you go to sleep.
The parathyroid controls the calcium levels in your body. If the parathyroid is low in boron, it takes calcium out of the bones and creates deposits in the body causing arthritis and osteoporosi