He's been at it for quite some time.
He has been wrong and admitted it.
He has also claimed that he was wrong on purpose, a time or two.
For instance, He claimed to be Ezra for a while.
CNN even wrote about it.
He later claimed he was using the ID to achieve a certain purpose.
There was a time back on twitter that he was posting strange pictures and then users were saying things like,
"That's just around the corner from my house."
That led to a crazy moment were he was posting all kinds of cryptic shit and people were claiming it meant something very personal to them.
He did it to me.
Proved in a matter of minutes to know all kinds of things about me that he couldn't know.
That is, without having access to some top secret data base or something similar.
He claims to be someone who worked within the intel community and has turned against them.