TY Baker
Anons have to be the solution. Lord knows America has enough problems.
A LOT of folks are finishing Easter dinner and sitting down with some extra time to see what this 'Q thing' is all about.
Anons - time for a bread that kicks ass.
Anons have a voice. Use it.
These days are the EXACT days that the Cabal fought to stop Q Research for. The anon tanks can take a lot of ground today if anons want it.
No Easter False Flags - White Hats (of which you are one of) have cleared the world stage for anons. Make it count.
Anons are taking the Cabal to the woodshed.
The truth is more powerful than the richest, the most powerful and the most connected. The truth is that which never changes. Anons have Easter to proclaim freedom for America and for Mankind so that we may follow and worship who we choose to so that we can bring abundance raining down on this realm as we banish evil to it's true position of nothing more than a recurring minor annoyance that can be controlled (4-6%)
Trust the plan. There is a plan. Every part of the plan in Q Database (2018) is spot on + helper DJT Jr / Lt Dan / Ric G and ass. accounts (Q+ has many, he's the head digital warrior)
Paul / Saul - 'Seek the truth' The abundance is through the truth that has been hidden from you.
'It's not up to them to tell the American People what to think. That's our job'
What you think becomes reality. Proof 1
The powers of light and intention will defeat the powers of darkness and deception.
That is all
The power of divining the truth and sharing it like a water among the thirsty normies is big big big.
There is much need of encouragement for an enslaved servant class being marched toward their own destruction and starting to awaken to it.
Play the game anons. Oz, a tippytop bunny, whatever Q+ needs, let's get it done. A lot of awakening at stake here. This is not a game. Play the game. Oz, you glorious bastard you better win this going away, btw.