Anonymous ID: 3a1e2b 171845 T45 April 17, 2022, 4:45 p.m. No.16095899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5927

Might be something, might be nothing, but I can't really dig on this. Telegram channel GEORGENEWS (bluecheck) posted this image at approx 4.30CT, saying they were going live soon. It had well over 400 comments that I was reading and all of a sudden it vanished. Weird. So I googled "171845 T45" and it brought up the EDGAR for B Riley Financial, Inc. Who/what is B Riley Financial? Why did that post vanish as quick as it was posted? My "wimmin's intuition" is telling me something is here but I don't have the time to dig this, as well as I'm fighting a migraine. A proverbial "Easter Egg Hunt" perhaps?