Nothing has happened yet because its being held back so that one boom after another after another after another can happen to wake the masses up.
Imagine A parade of booms lined up for miles.
Nothing has happened yet because its being held back so that one boom after another after another after another can happen to wake the masses up.
Imagine A parade of booms lined up for miles.
Imagine you are a loving soul residing in the higher frequencies (heaven) where there are no low negative energies, no fear, no hatred, nothing but patience, love and compassion.
Nothing but high energies.
Then you agree to incarnate on earth to help bring your "heaven" (high frequencies) to earth. to help bring kindness, compassion and love in a small way like Jesus did so many years ago.
That would be a difficult mission, would it not? Memory wiped, thrown into the lower frequencies where you had a hard time adjusting.
Well, can you finish your mission?
You began to awaken to the realization that you were more than you seemed to appear as a human being. And so you continued to question everything and everyone around you and, for some, to leave family and friends to go forth on your own individual quest to self-discovery.
From the first, the energies or frequency level into which you were born were in dissonance to the ones that you carried in your little bodies. You came into embodiment carrying frequency levels much higher than the rest of humanity. For some of you, perhaps all, this was a great hardship, yet it was an experience and experiment that you undertook willingly. Each of you volunteered for this task; none of you came into embodiment unwillingly.
And those who were members of the families into which you embodied also volunteered and agreed to play out their particular roles, as those who would serve as triggers to reawaken you to your gifts, as well as to trigger ancient memories of trauma, that which had been experienced by you in other lifetimes (actually parallel lifetimes) as well as those experienced by the human collective."