SHit, Anon! SHe's too fucking old to kill herself!
Exactly. She would barely get the gun loaded and fall asleep. Then wake up and be like.."I'm too tired to do this now."
Just the very thought of committing suicide would probably be enough to kill that old twat napkin!
Seriously, you deserve though most highest of KEKs, ANon! I skipped right over this crumb!
I am asking any Anons that might remember an old librarian guy that used to talk about this on his YouTube account about 10 years ago. Probably had his channel censored and banned. Does anybody remember his name or his website? Sorry, that's all I can remember as far as information at the moment…and it wasn't fucking HAL TURNER!
Not only Smallville, but every movie that Roman Polanski has ever made and almost every production that Weinstein had a hand in! They need to wipe them all out as well! Goose for Gander!
Here's my take on this JonBenet murder.
The Dad's company becomes a Billion Dollar company. It crosses the threshold of success.
His company works with airplane guidance and automation systems.
The Deep State pays a visit to Mr.Ramsey.
The go into detail of what is wanted from him…remote guidance systems as they are planning 9/11.
Ramsey is appalled by the advance of the Deep State agents and refuses their offer.
Shortly after the meeting, Christmas ever time…Deep State sends in Satanic fucks.
They force the wife to kill a child-slave that resembles her daughter. They threaten them to keep their mouths shut or their REAL daughter will die. The wife is force to write a note, and the Deep State smooths everything so that the Ramseys are never officially implicated (though much suspicion). Deep State kidnaps daughter and holds her hostage as collateral that the Ramsey's NEVER EVER OPEN THEIR FUCKING MOUTHS!
And that's what they have done to this day, knowing that their daughter is at least being dead.
February is like a whole entire month for white people. Abraham Lincoln…George Washington…Valentine's Day so you can fuck your Aryan wives! February is like the official White Pride Month!
Get over yourselves, Gay people have human rights just the same as heteros.
Remember that when you're in a car accident and need help, and a gay person helps save your life.
What harm is it doing you then? Why so defensive?
Usually the first thing that comes to mind when someone becomes defensive is that they are exactly what they are condemning.
Are you gay? The question should be asked. Maybe no one has ever confronted you on this issue. Many people are in the closet, and are still programmed by their upbringing and religion that homosexuality is bad. So, because they too are homosexuals…they get angry and violent because of their dissonance, that in fact they too are gay.
Being gay doesn't mean that you actually have to be having sex with a member of the other sex, it just means that you are attracted to the opposite sex.
It's ok, to come out of the closet, Anon! We won't hold it against you! IT'S GAY PRIDE MONTH!
Probably so Nazi hetero fags would keep voting and supporting him.