I would say this plan dates to the birther movement.
That was the driver for the mil op.
The plan was set.
I would say this plan dates to the birther movement.
That was the driver for the mil op.
The plan was set.
when they realized we had a potus that did not constitutionally meet the standard.
Military had an obligation to step in.
Regardless of politics.
Have we ended the Federal Reserve yet?
great, now the gold standard?
lets seek balance in a world economy.
let assets set the currency.
Our debt can never be repaid…the lender lends…(you) owe…you have to ask for more to repay.
never repay…ever.
never ever repay.
money is fake.
money is a trap.
for all debts.
always a debt.
the only way out is to die or tell the lender to go fuck himself.