Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:22 a.m. No.16098658   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some shithead last night kept Global Reporting this as a Terrorist Attack. I believe he reported me, so I reported him for trying to Frame Anons. It is pretty obvious this Guardians Group posted this over a month ago and Anons were trying to raise Awareness to prevent this, and this asshole is reporting them. That seemed like what a Glownigger would do. The Feds have been behind most operations and they need Patsies, so that glownigger was trying to find them.

Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:25 a.m. No.16098676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8680 >>8685 >>8689


Event 2 assassination of Winston Wu is interesting. He is supposed to help bring Quantum Banking to the people and really fuck up the derp states plans at Cern.


The Raindrop DAO is the world’s first attempt to realign the world’s power structure using Quantum computing and wealth generation. Founded and headed by Dr. Winston Wu, the DAO will achieve significant goals by “reorganizing the current system” and “removing bad government officials and replacing them with ones with the public good in mind.”


Understanding the DAO’s objectives begin with Dr. Wu himself and his incredible story (read, “Dr. Wu in his own words,” for a more detailed version of events).


Dr. Wu’s family had been part of the Chinese Communist Party for many decades. His father was a top party leader in Zhengzhou, and when Winston was a child he was instructed to follow in his family’s footsteps.


There was no room for individuality in the Wu household, only conformity to what the Party believed in.


“I had an aptitude for math. I attended university and gained multiple degrees in math and science fields. This is when I went to work for my uncle, a very powerful man who worked for Chinese intelligence.”


Dr. Wu would soon find himself working in a top secret laboratory with the world’s most advanced Quantum computers.


“I found myself learning things I never learned in school. I had to gain security clearances, and once I did that is when I was told what is going to happen.”


From the years 2007 to 2019, Dr. Wu worked on China’s most secret project, what he calls, “a time travel device” connected to a Quantum computer. He says the device was being used to “game plan” future events, and one that was planned to come in the year 2020.


“We knew about the fake pandemic, how it would come about. So it was not news to us when it happened.”


Dr. Wu claims he saw information that showed many planned events up to the year 2034, after which “they could not see any further.”


“What we see now is just a small part of it. There is almost no escaping what they are doing do. That’s why I created a beta testing program.”


Working with The Raindrop DAO, Dr. Wu wanted to create a “secret program that gives the small people power.” This new program will invite a small number of qualified individuals who are “prepared to survive, and resist the coming Realignment.”


“The requirements to join are not a long list. You must meet some basic criteria. You must sign our mission statement. There are some more steps, too, but not too difficult. We just have to make sure you are not a spy or bad person trying to stop us, and we are very good at spotting those types.”


Dr. Wu is working with another organization, which he says “pioneered the art of using Quantum computers to generate wealth. I’m helping them now, because they came under attack.” He says this other organization — which he prefers not to name — developed similar technology to the type he is using.


“What we have is better than what they have. We can do more, create more wealth a bit faster. I’m happy to have them with us now, their expertise is going to be useful.”


Dr. Wu says the only way to “win” is to “create wealth.” He claims the rich and powerful rule over us due to their immense wealth.


“If regular people who see the truth had more money, they could have a chance. But they do not have enough. We need to generate and mint new Millionaires and Billionaires quickly, within the next year. That is what we will do.

Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:26 a.m. No.16098680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8683 >>8689 >>8694



Part 2 of 2

Bypassing the “legacy system” is the key part of Dr. Wu’s project and plans, and cryptocurrency plays a vital role.


“Because of my banking contacts in China, Hong Kong and Singapore, we are ready to create and move Billions of dollars, that we can use to change things. They are ready and waiting.”


The long-term vision of the beta testing program is to use the newly minted wealth to start using similar tactics the elites use, but to use those tactics against them.


“We will start buying off the politicians, funding new ones to run campaigns, buy media advertising, buying influence. We will have Billions of dollars to work with, to change the course of the future. Bill Gates spent 300 Million to lobby the media and influence them, we will spend ten times that much.”


The Quantum methods used are proprietary, and only beta testers learn exactly how it works.


“We can print money like the elites, but only following careful protocols. The elites monitor cryptocurrency. If they see what we are doing, we will end up like the other group that got in trouble.”


As mentioned above, another group was using Quantum computing to generate wealth in the same way Dr. Wu plans to, but they came under attack.


“We will be more careful. They did a good job but because of my expertise, I see some areas they failed. They had a public forum, for example. Ours will not be public.”


The beta testing group will communicate only through secure means, and use protocols that will not raise red flags or get the project in trouble.


“I know how to do all of this, because I have already done it within China. We generated over 500 Billion dollars with the Quantum computers. We could have made Trillions, but of course that would not be smart. There is no need to flood the market like that. You have to be smart, and careful, when you have this kind of power.”


To learn more, visit the following links:

Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:29 a.m. No.16098689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695 >>8699 >>8704 >>8710 >>8717 >>8949



Event 2 occurs on May 20, 2022. It involves the assassination of Dr. Winston Wu, who is heading up the revolutionary Raindrop project ( This project involves the use of a Quantum computer being used to disrupt and dismantle the negative European power structure, as well the operations of The Large Hadron Collider, also known as CERN.


We ask of our Guardians to share and spread this information, so that it can be prevented.


Here is the text of the video:


There is very little time left to alter the negative outcome we have spoken about.


We are requesting viewers finish watching this video, and then do all that is possible to share it. The cascading effect, when shared, can have a very powerful impact in changing these events. They are called “ripples”, and these small ripples can grow, disrupting the negative forces working to bring about the negative timeline outcome.


First, the April 18th, 2022 false flag must be prevented. This is not the end of our work, it is only the beginning. If this event is prevented, or forestalled, a series of other, serious events soon follow, over seventy in total, leading up to the year 2030. Each and every one of them must be prevented, or the negative outcome will not be stopped.


According to our data, if the April 18th event is prevented, the next date of an event that must be prevented is May 20th. On this date, an operation will occur out of the public eye, never reported in the media. This operation will take place in Southeast Asia, and involve the assassination of a former Chinese military scientist.


This event, if it takes place, ensures the negative outcome occurs.


The name of the scientist is Dr. Winston Wu. We, as Guardians of the Looking Glass, have already made attempts to warn Dr. Wu of the upcoming attempt on his life. Our data shows that no matter how many times we try to warn this man of his fatal outcome, the event does not change. Even if he takes steps to protect himself, it is not enough

Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:30 a.m. No.16098695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8704


>>16098689 Part 2/3

Part of the reason for this is that the negative forces have the same data we have, and they can anticipate our warnings, and circumvent them.


As a result, we determined the only way to prevent his death is by the actions of viewers, who share the information. Once broadly shared, it becomes apparent in the timeline data that the event can be prevented. The negative forces change plans, upon their plans being publicly disseminated and revealed. This is the case for preventing many events. Once a plan, or date, is revealed, and enough public awareness is made, the event can be stopped. But if not enough people are made aware of the date, then it cannot be stopped.


This took place on September 11, 2001. There had been some prior warnings, in previous months and years, of this date. But the information was not disseminated widely enough. A former CIA asset and infiltrator, by the name of Jeff Swedenburg, had made numerous attempts to warn people of this date, but his warnings were ignored. The event eventually came to pass, without any interruption.


Dr. Wu’s work and project, which is almost entirely unknown at this time, is critical to stopping the negative outcome, and instead bringing about the positive outcome. This is why the negative forces are specifically concerned about him, and targeting him.


Dr. Wu’s project is called Raindrop. Through his work, using Quantum computing, he is able to do great damage to the European power structure in the coming years.


His project is currently underway, and will reach completion in May, and from there, his work begins to expand all over the world. He begins spending vast amounts of money to destroy the current world order. The people involved in his project, who are all over the world, also help to fulfill his vision, and many others join him to bring down the current power structure.


He is being targeted for elimination, and if nothing is done, he will be killed on May 20th, 2022. This leads to the cessation of his project, the confiscation of his work, his funds, and the arrests of those involved. His project is destroyed, and the negative timeline is then solidified and cannot be altered from that point forward.


His work is also essential in disrupting the operations of the Large Hadron Collider, or CERN. If his life can be saved, he goes on to continue his work, and in doing so, prevent multiple horrific events that have been planned by the negative power structure.


If we can prevent the April 18th attack, and forestall the nuclear war, an economic collapse still happens in late 2022, when America will descend into chaos. Americans will be desperate for food, basic services, even water. Dr. Wu’s work brings financial relief for many. In this time, followers of Dr. Wu will be given tens or even hundreds of millions in other currencies, and in crypto currencies, which will still retain value in currencies like the Euro. His work saves the lives of many Americans, who are able to use those funds to still buy things and escape the chaos.


The negative forces are able to see all of this, as well, so they have planned to assassinate Dr. Wu, on May 20, 2022. If this occurs, his work is destroyed, and he has no positive impact at all on the devastating events to come. This ensures, to the highest degree of certainty, that the negative singularity in 2030 takes place, and cannot be prevented.


All of our data shows that for us to succeed in preventing the negative outcome in 2030, and singularity, Dr. Wu’s life must be saved, and his work must continue. Even if the economic collapse occurs, or nuclear war, if Dr. Wu survives, there still remains a chance to prevent the negative outcome.


Our data shows that by the end of 2029, entering into 2030, Dr. Wu and his project must be operating for the positive outcome to succeed. It is determined, that his work using his Quantum computer, against CERN, is one of the most critical aspects of disrupting the negative outcome.

Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:31 a.m. No.16098704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8708




Part 3/3 The original site where I got this information is missing this so someone took it down. The Darl forces really don't want this guy succeeding.

Our data clearly shows that the only way to save his life is for each person to disseminate and spread this information, and to support Dr. Wu and his Raindrop project.


Our next video will discuss the next event that must be prevented. But for now, stopping Event 1 and Event 2 are of the most critical priority. With the re-activation of CERN, and re-powering of CERN, which took place on March 22, we believe the negative power structure has plans to disrupt the timelines to even a greater degree, in ways not even our data from the looking glass may have revealed to us. This concerns us greatly.


If our information is not spread quicker, and faster, we believe the negative power structure is doing something with CERN to completely stop us, or anyone, from preventing the negative singularity. This is why Dr. Wu’s work ends up being so important, because he is able to specifically target and destroy their operations, in a way no one else can.

Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:39 a.m. No.16098734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8742 >>8753 >>8853


Posted on 04/17/2022 by EraOfLight


Part 1


The time for humanity’s Mass Awakenings is almost HERE. So, how exactly does one assist their (unawakened) near and dear ones in dealing with the sheer FORCE of all of the truly SHOCKING revelations to come? Wonder no more my beautiful friends of the light, for I’ve INDEED got ALL of your needs covered, right HERE! Read on right below to go catch ’em ALL!


To sum things up, this specific three-step guide can simply be summed up using just three highly memorable Cs (for easy remembrance). These 3 Cs of compassionate assistance are:


  1. Calmdown


  1. Console


  1. Compactify


And with THAT being said in full, let us NOW go get started with point #1 RIGHT AWAY!


  1. CALM-DOWN: As someone on the LEADING EDGE of the Great Awakening, your very first (and primary) leadership is very much so ENERGETIC (in its nature). In other words, YOU ARE TO BE THE (ENERGETIC) EXAMPLE for the newly-awakening ones to go and MIRROR, REFLECT, and, ultimately, IMITATE.


In other words, the unawakened ones, who have for FAR TOO LONG been sheep-like by the virtue of their very NATURE and CHOICES, will therefore NATURALLY look for someone to SHEPHERD them through this whole (somewhat chaotic) awakening process. In short, they will automatically see (and be drawn to notice as to) how YOU are reacting to all of these revelations — and then — COPY and MIRROR and IMITATE them AS IT IS. That’s because almost ALL of the revelations are going to be SO very shocking for them to even as much as DIGEST — that THEY will simply not be having the LUXURY of having a sound and calm mind (or a wise head upon their shoulders) to guide them OUT and AWAY from the said shock in question.


And thus, they will ALL then look up to YOU for assistance accordingly, either knowingly or unknowingly. So if YOU stay Calm, Patient, Cool, and COLLECTED, then, THEY TOO (will imitate you) to accordingly stay Calm, Patient, Cool and Collected. And it really is THAT SIMPLE, folks.


When YOU RADIATE total Peace, Strength, Calm, Collectedness, Patience, Coolness and sheer, utter, CONFIDENCE, THEY WILL TOO.


It’s as easy (and logical!) as adding two and two.



  1. CONSOLE: Look, I totally GET as to just how very MUCH you’d absolutely LOVE TO rage at these ones (and carpet-bomb them with those “I told you so’s”) for staying THIS asleep DESPITE everything that YOU (and SO many OTHERS) told them regarding the true nature of things, secrets, etc., I MUST say this here: NOW is simply NOT the TIME to do so.


WHY? Because ONE: if they HAD IT IN THEM to wake up, they very much so WOULD HAVE. NOT ONE AMONGST THEM has been doing it PURPOSEFULLY to “spite you” or anything, they simply NEVER HAD that level of evolved CONSCIOUSNESS as YOU. To expect (spiritual) first graders to be on par with (spiritual) tenth graders was ALWAYS going to be a lost cause, THIS ONE (CASE) being NO exception!


For REMEMBER, ALWAYS: “They KNOW NOT what they DO.”


Besides, they may very well have contributed to the LOVE and LIGHT upon our beautiful planet through So. Many. OTHER. Means. In turn assisting with the whole GREAT AWAKENING. Who are WE to even KNOW or JUDGE? Be COMPASSIONATE.



Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:40 a.m. No.16098742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8753




Part 2


TWO: You’ll probably NEVER EVER (want to) experience a 3D lifetime as challenging as THIS ONE ever, EVER again — so why not make the MOST OF IT…spiritual growth and learning WISE? And one of the BIGGEST lessons / growth that you can even GLEAN FROM THIS very SITUATION is an opportunity to truly LEARN and EM-BODY that which is known as UN-CONDITIONAL LOVE, UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS and UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE!


Unless of course, you wish to DELAY your inevitable (soul growth and progress based) spiritual lessons, and (pointlessly, may I add) have to re-incarnate for learning / grasping just THIS ONE PARTICULAR LESSON all over again in some other time or space of your choosing! Like, what’s even the POINT? Lol.


THREE: YOU YOURSELF are not PERFECT with regards to everything else either. YOU have made mistakes too. YOU have been (very MUCH SO!) “unawakened” once upon a time TOO. And someone, somewhere, DID INDEED show a heart LARGE ENOUGH to forgive YOU.


Remember their FAVOUR. And then, PAY IT FORWARD.


After all: “Let he who hath not SINNED cast the FIRST STONE”, remember?


LEASE understand here that these ones who are unawakened have been (MKULTRA-programmed and) BRAIN-WASHED and HYPNOTISEDso very HEAVILY that they TRULY and GENUINELY are unable to see what YOU and I so very EASILY can. They, for whatever soul-lessons of their choosing, have been rendered completely and totally UN-CONSCIOUS by a mix of Technologies and Energies and Programming and Addictions and even (parasitical) Entities attached to them. For, just as you would NEVER mock a colour blind person for not being able to tell the difference between Green and Blue (for they simply COULDN’T if they even WANTED TO), there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER for you to chastise these ones for NOT having YOUR level of spiritual understanding or maturity, which YOU only have because of your (tremendously!) additional number of INCARNATIONS, here.


If THEY didn’t need HELP…YOU wouldn’t even be HERE.


Besides, YOU gain great spiritual learnings and growth and progress — and not to mention a highly COVETED opportunity for providing SERVICE-TO-ALL — as a result of THEIR unawakened-ness here TOO. Never, ever, EVER forget THAT!








Such a BEAUTIFUL (spiritual growth) opportunity may NEVER EVER return within all of CREATION, for all you know!


Make the MOST of it.


So instead of straight-up diving into criticising them or giving them (deep and unnecessary) explanations of what all they didn’t “get”, be a little COMPASSIONATE instead and just, CONSOLE them.


Give them a warm HUG. Hold SPACE for them. Give them ALL of your LOVE.


For NOW is when they truly, deeply, NEED IT the MOST.


For NOW, is just WHEN they NEED YOU the MOST.


And if you STILL can’t help but critique their ways, PLEASE at least do so after a FAIR AMOUNT of time has passed and they’ve had MORE THAN ENOUGH time to INTEGRATE THINGS and truly, ABSORB THE SHOCK.


It’s the very LEAST you could do for them.


If any of you have ever had a betrayal, a heartbreak, or a backstabbing (by someone you truly LOVED and TRUSTED), you ALREADY have at least SOME INKLING of how THEY’LL all be FEELING — once they discover that EVERYTHING that they’d EVER been told was a complete and total LIE. And that EVERYONE that they’d so placed their FULL FAITH IN (and even attacked other WELL-INTENTIONED people in the defence of), turned out to be the VERY PEOPLE who wanted them all DEAD.


It’s a scary-enough guilt trip to be on the receiving-end-of ALREADY, the very LEAST we could do for them, (if for nothing else then out of sheer HUMANITY ALONE), is to not make it even MORE WORSE.


Some of them have literally jabbed their own CHILDREN with that murderous clot-shot (because their very beloved “leaders” advised them to). So you can BET YOUR A** HERE that they’re going to be utterly and totally HAUNTED by this.


Let’s NOT go make it even MORE WORSE than it all ALREADY is.


For this could WELL BE our (awakened ones’) FIRST BIG STEP towards that KINDER and more LOVING world that we had FOREVER hoped to build.





  1. COMPACT-IFY: DO NOT make the mistake of over-loading your unawakened friends with EVERYTHING YOU KNOW just yet. EASY DOES IT!

Anonymous ID: aad90f April 18, 2022, 5:44 a.m. No.16098753   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Part 3


3.COMPACT-IFY: DO NOT make the mistake of over-loading your unawakened friends with EVERYTHING YOU KNOW just yet. EASY DOES IT!


Give them just one small morsel of info at a time. Let them digest it first. Let them integrate it first. Then, rinse, repeat.


Skip the lengthy details. Small-sized bites, make for a fun-sized appetite. Give them but a GIST of what TRULY MATTERS, just ONE digestible chunk at any given TIME. And then some more. And then some more.


Try not to send them down ALL of the crazy conspiracy rabbit holes ALL AT ONCE — it just WOULD. NOT. COMPUTE.


Remember,helping them retain their SANITY and Mental/Emotional STABILITY comes FIRST and FOREMOST. Any and all “Rabbit Holes” can be filled in (for them) LATERS.


They’ll all have PLENTY OF TIME to achieve this end EVENTUALLY.


Let them do their OWN research over some of these things (rather than YOU just handing it all to them on a silver PLATTER). Let THEM learn the basics and the tricks of the trade for THEMSELVES, TOO. Sure, you can well GUIDE THEM on such matters here and there and drop them a few good RESEARCH-ABLE LINKS every now and then — but DO NOT FORGET that they also (very much so!) have their OWN (soul) JOURNEY of GROWTH and LEARNING to complete here too!


ALLOW for it. RESPECT it.




  1. CELEBRATE: Wait, WHAT? WHO even said anything about a 4th ‘C’ here in THIS LIST of Cs?


Well, that’s because this one’s very much so OPTIONAL. And yet, I would (most definitely!) RECOMMEND IT with ALL OF MY HEART here to ONE AND ALL so concerned!


Why even CELEBRATE? Because A: The revelations (to come) would mean that humanity is, at long last, FREE and READY and UNITED AS ONE to truly PROSPER and THRIVE at LONG LAST. And THAT’S truly a WHOLESOME cause that calls for WHOLEHEARTED celebrations — REGARDLESS OF whether you’ve been AWAKE or ASLEEP.


And B: Because it will SIGNIFICANTLY lighten up the mood and bring in some (much NEEDED!) JOY.


And also because C: In that it will FREE THEM of the immense PRESSURE and PAIN of (potentially suicidal) levels of heart-wrenching GUILT — whilst also giving them all some CONFIDENCE as to the fact that AT LEAST you’re not IR-REDEEMABLY MAD AT THEM here.


And that you’ve truly, deeply, forgiven them as the sheer MASTER that you are. One, who is truly WORTHY of carrying forward the incredible Wisdom, Richness, Glory and LEGACY of that which is the CHRIST(ED) Consciousness. For REMEMBER: There are many who “know” the teachings. And yet — far, far, FAR FEWER FOLKS who can actually put them into actual PRACTICE when push comes to shove.


And without the actual, PRACTICAL APPLICATION of the said teachings, merely parroting through them all gets us all exactly NOWHERE.


What to make of this knowledge now, is, well, YOUR CALL.


So now, freely go FORTH and spread that brilliantly shining LIGHT of yours.