Anon is trusting the plan.
The Pedocrats are afraid.
They are VERY afraid.
>Dark MAGA supporters "are calling for a ruthless, unforgiving version of Trump to take revenge on his political enemies at the 2024 election."
They misspelled annihilation, kek
Ok, groomer
You were affected though, groomer. You're posting replies to it.
Freedom Caucus: Thanks forever
Ok, groomer
UK is punishing the citizens of Russia.
"They" rEaLLy cArE aBoUt oUr hEaLtH
Then nothing's a larp
>congrats on being anointed such a threat to the demonic Spirit of the Age
The Great Awakening is history's greatest threat to the Great Deceivers
They talk of death threats? They're projecting their own fear of getting lynched, and lynched is what will happen to them.
Nazi Azovs using civilians as human shields.
It wasn't tar pits that ended the dinos, it was that meteor that hit the Yucatan.
>through European intermediaries.
Where do the majority of the Rothschilds live ( on borrowed time)?