Im in the graphics division, not crypto so even though I've been very interested its hard for me to wrap my head around. I APPRECIATE the help!
amusement park you say? Hillary tweets 2 tweets today about 700 children, and 'we must act now'. school is out, where can they go next? anon says amusement park.
Lakemont amusement park, Altoona PA is located. at 700 park drive
PA is where they stole all the explosives from last month, still not found
always tell sexual assault victims to go to the cops.
Sexual assualt is a crime.
regret sex is not a crime, that's why those don't get prosecuted
this is a free speech board and always has been. a naked body isn't porn. You may not be ready for free speech yet. It can be a shock, I know. what you don't want to see, don't look at.
you are a 3rd wave feminist
you are helping waste bread right now. so am I, sad to say. DONT LOOK AT IT
oh no, the usual pre-emergency drill?
2nd wave sees how 3rd wave threw everything we did for you back in our faces
Spiralling rot cyphers that work backwards and forwards must be incredibly hard to crack.
resting my 2nd wave case. bet this one has pink ombred hair
this board aint about you, kid. dont be so wrapped up in what YOU want to have happen. If you're tired of things, shut your eyes. turn off the monitor. go read another board. but making OTHER people do what YOU want here? not happening. that's woman drama, and it never works on autists. they can not be emotionally manipulated.
naw girlie. if you want to claim points I got you beat. but I dont break 1st rule of anons.
go have some drunken regret sex and cry rape tomorrow if you're that tired of looking at how god made us
get off your rag and post some different ones then. People post what THEY like. and you want them to post what YOU like???? no.
YOU are responsible for posting shit YOU like.
> I am a girl so you need to humor me
post your own. nobody is your nigger to post pictures FOR you.
oh yes, now I see it. side story, my first wakeup was when CNN lightened George Zimmerman's pic. I traced the discovery to half/polโฆ.
nope. 2 inches long at 12 weeks. here is 12 weeks
oh lordy yes good times!
all of it
Look at DJT's collection of challenge coins. on display not tucked in a drawer.
to newer people: you have to re-learn to do your own filtering if you are going to be a vigilant observer. dont let others..especially people you never see behind the scenesโฆdo your filtering for you.
they always have been. In the 75% chaos you'll find 15% of value. But natural patterns ONLY occur in unfettered, undirected space.