“They want you dead”, they really do and its even worse now thst groomers and pedophiles are being exposed:
“They want you dead”, they really do and its even worse now thst groomers and pedophiles are being exposed:
The comment from Andrew is retarded, he actually thinks Disney is a harmless business being picked on. “Punishing them for not supporting a single piece of legislation.”
Kek, obvious groomer, leftie or intentional troll
This seems like meme material!
Feels like some kind of panic ceiling, has been broken through, and its accelerating.
The media has never been so panicked and hayed, they know Americans hate groomers and they and have a loud voice. They cannot shame us into submission any longer.
I just realized the masthead coined quote from WAPO is really a mission statement from WAPO
Democracy Dies in Darkness or We are killing democracy in the darkness by our propaganda!
Mollie is a warrior and patriot!
She must be the most hated stalker ever, why hasnt she been arrested yet? I know, silly question!
Sean is poetic, kekkity
Sean Davis
It’s hard not to feel pity for Lorenz. She should be at home, spending time with her grandkids, and instead she’s out there stalking children on the Internet anddoxxing randos in exchange for seal claps from mentally ill freaks who can’t tell boys from girls.
They are never embarrassed or ashamed of their hypocrisy. This is a giant sign, they have no soul!
Excellent long article
The Dumbest Generation Wallows In Mediocrity And Self-Pity
APRIL 18, 2022
In Mark Bauerlein’s ‘The Dumbest Generation Grows Up,’ the notable English professor offers a bleak but accurate diagnosis of the millennial generation’s problems.
…Thirteen years later, Bauerlein’s predictions have largely become true. As he explains in The Dumbest Generation Grows Up, a sequel to The Dumbest Generation, many of today’s millennials are not thriving as predicted, but instead are “ending up behind a Starbucks counter or doing contract work, living with their parents or in a house with four friends, nonetheless lonely and mistrustful, with no thoughts of marriage and children, no weekly church attendance or civic memberships, more than half of them convinced that their country is racist and sexist.”
And yes, they are still the dumbest generation, reading less than any previous generation and knowing next to nothing about the world they inhabit.
The Most Illiterate Generation
With an obvious desire to tell the world, “I told you so!” Bauerlein begins his book recalling the false predictions of success for millennials. Even though they had every reason to be concerned about the vast amount of idiotic online content young people were consuming, they preferred to see this as a good thing: “Lighten up, we were told, instead of fearing these kids who were passing them by, said the most progressive admirers of this new generation gap, the elders had a better option: ‘What Old People Can Learn from Millennials.’”
Realists like Bauerlein were berated as spiteful curmudgeons who failed to appreciate the many virtues of the internet. Curiously, it wasn’t the software engineers and programmers making this argument (many of them limit their children’s exposure to screens), but the humanities instructors who saw the new technology as a shortcut to developing critical thinking skills and being knowledgable.
Besides struggling with the basics of adulthood, Bauerlein also argues millennials are dangerous to civilized society. They are entranced with the idealized utopias and “can’t understand why that blessed condition shouldn’t materialize here and now.” This has resulted in a noticeable radicalization among young people, who violently protest any views that differ from their own. Although most of these self-styled social justice warriors justify their actions as a noble resistance to true evil, so much of it amounts to collective temper tantrums.
Baffled by these outbursts from otherwise privileged young adults, Bauerlein seeks to understand the underlying motive—assuming there is one. After making a few inquires and observing millennials in their natural habitat, Bauerlein settles on two vapid but nonetheless serious mantras: “Everyone deserves to be happy,” and “It doesn’t matter who you love.”
Even a cursory knowledge of literature would dispel these notions. As though happiness were something you could complain into existence. As though all forms of love always work out for everyone involved.
This simplistic logic frequently manifests itself in the many slogans, mission statements, and mottos that have come to characterize woke culture. Bauerlein notes the “hack language and lax thinking” and admits that “the bad rhetoric strengthens [the millennial protesters’] case.”
After all, the woke warriors have mostly gotten what they want. They aren’t challenged; they are constantly affirmed; and they continue to hold the moral high ground despite destroying civilization. Then again, this undeserved outcome often leaves them feeling “bitter, suspicious disappointed, cancel-conscious unforgiving, and vengeful.”
For Bauerlein, so much of this generational failure can be traced to the decline of reading. Accordingly, he devotes nearly a quarter of his book showing the connection between reading and personal wellness.
It’s no secret that millennials have ditched reading in favor of screens and social media. What might be less known is how this has affected a generation of human beings unable to cope with existence in its fullness: “It deprived the young of the knowledge and acumen that men and women rightly possess, the exposure to human nature up and down the scale of human evil, beauteous and vulgar, smart and stupid, to strange times and faraway places, acts of heroism and disloyalty, the most eloquent words and sublime sounds and perceptive images.”…
…Fortunately, millennials are still relatively young (the oldest are in their early 40s), and they can still change their ways. It may be an uncomfortable and humbling experience to hit the books and confront one’s intellectual and moral shortcomings, but it is ultimately a satisfying and necessary one.
How Education got to this disgusting place, going on for 62 years and counting:
They’ve been doing this slowly since the early 70s. With Jimmy CarterZbigniew Brzezinski set infiltration of education as one of the four pillars of the Trilateral Commision, along with infiltate unions, money and churches.
A quote from Z: young people here have to much free speech, we’ve got to change that.
Read this article (a portion below) to understand they are patiently infiltrating every are of government and life to destroy the US and the world:
TRILATERAL = By 2000 117 so-called Experts in Pacific Asia group.
TRILATERAL = Technology Think Tank Group is chaired by three individuals, one from each of the regions represented.
TRILATERAL = Encroaches on national sovereignty of all nations for SINGLE WORLD CONTROL! = “a skillful, coordinated effort to seizecontrol and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical… [in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved.” — Goldwater
TRILATERAL = April 2007 lecture by Brzezinski part of those who orchestrated the attacks of September 11 to justify ENDLESS WAR ON TERROR to ROB AMERICANS and DOMINATE with a WORLD TECHNOCRACY DICTATORSHIP!
TRILATERAL = Noam Chomsky described goals as = “Essentially liberal internationalists from Europe, Japan and the United States, the liberal wing of the intellectual elite… trying to induce what they called “more moderation in democracy”…turn people back to passivity and obedience…In particular they were worried about young people…(NOT) indoctrinated…you’ve got to control them better.”
TRILATERAL = Associated with Bilderberg Group, Rockefeller family of “David Rockefeller” + Brzezinski, Zbigniew (October 1970). “America and Europe” + 1975 The Crisis of Democracy: Report on the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission + 1991 American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission + Rockefeller, David (2002) Memoirs + 2014 Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation.
They really did but the new momentum is conservatives are fighting back loudly instead of whining
Until they are put to death or in jail