Using their own numbers…
And yet in the news we hear "the elite" are now getting positive COVID tests at an 'alarming rate.'
False flags???
Using their own numbers…
And yet in the news we hear "the elite" are now getting positive COVID tests at an 'alarming rate.'
False flags???
They 'say' because the vax and boosters protected them…
They are still trying to sell the vax/boosters and the so-called Pfiser cure.
I am past the point of paying attention.
Groomer is too gentle of a term.
Many of the militant 'gays' I had the displease of having to deal with were at best 'recruiters' and at worst, pedos and rapists!
Groomer is someone who takes care of animals… supposedly a nice thing to do…
Definition of groomer
: one who grooms (animals, such as dogs)