Thank you, Baker!
>NONE of the COVIDIOCY would have been possible without the SHEEPLES COMPLIANCE.
Necessary for The Great Awakening. It had to be this way for The Plan to be successful.
My gut is nagging at me that this Dark Maga shit is a trojan horse.
>Want to know how much your favorite actress or celeb
No, because I couldn't give two squirts of piss to those overpaid pretenders if they were on fire.
You mean the shills were telling you that he was a glowie? Yeah, how did that turn out if you believed them. Kyle had the full support of this board.
Oh? You could have come up with something better? KEK
Not three cats but there are at least two pussies in that household.
Methinks there is a connection between Dark Maga being pushed hard today and reports of Russia bombing The Pit.