I'll read through 75-90.
Interview of: Marc Elias
Kathryn Ruemuller, from Lathan and Watkins, representing Marc Elias
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
MR. GOWDY: Were you part of the decision on whether or not to surrender the server that had been hacked to the Bureau?
MR. GOWDY: Do you know anything about it?
MR. GOWDY: What do you know about it?
MS. RUEMMLER: I assume that anything that you know is from a privileged..
MR. ELIAS: Correct.
MS. RUEMMLER: ..communication. So I instruct you not to answer.
pages 80-81
Interview of: Marc Elias
Kathryn Ruemuller, from Lathan and Watkins, representing Marc Elias
December 13, 2017
MR. GOWDY: I don't know whether any of these assertions are true, they've been made. I don't make any judgment about the validity of them. I'm just going to ask you whether or not you're familiar with them. Whether or not Fusion GPS paid reporters.
MR. ELIAS: I have no reason to think that that's true. No, I don't know anything about it.
MR, GOWDY: Whether Fusion GPS sent Christopher Steele to certain media outlets in the fall of 2016.
MR. ELIAS: I am aware that he talked to media outlets in that time period
MR. GOWDY: Well, there are a number of ways you could be aware of it. You could have actually read an article where he was quoted in it. You could have known ahead of time. So how were you aware?
MR. ELIAS. I hate to take a break, but I think we're going to have to.
MS. RUEMMLER: All right. A quick one.
MR. GOWDY: All right.
MR. GOWDY: I think we had established that you did not know anything about Fusion GPS paying reporters. And I think my next question is whether or not you knew anything about Fusion GPS sending Christopher Steele to media outlets in the fall of 2016.
MR. ELIAS: And I think I said yes.
MR. GOWDY: And then I will probably ask, how did you know that?
MR. ELIAS: That's where I think we were up to.
MS. RUEMMLER: And that, I think, calls for privileged information and I'd instruct him not to answer.
MR. GOWDY: Were you part of the decision to send him to media outlets?
MR. ELIAS: I was aware of it.
MR. GOWDY: Before or after?
MR. ELIAS: Before.
MR. GOWDY: Were you part of selecting which media outlets would be
pages 81-82
Interview of: Marc Elias
December 13, 2017
MR. GOWDY: Early on in your interview today, you said that you were very interested in learning as much as possible and that the committee should continue looking into Russia's efforts to interfere with our 2016 election cycle.
MR. ELIAS: Absolutely.
MR. GOWDY: But you would agree that that would be relevant [f]or either side, whether it was efforts to assist the Trump campaign through official Russian Government channels or whether it was a current or former Russian Government employee who was feeding information to Steele. It's still an effort to influence the outcome of the election, right?
MR. ELIAS: I would encourage the committee to do everything it can to figure out whether Russia or any other foreign state tried to influence our election. I'm not going to..I'm not expert to comment on whether..
MR. GOWDY: Well, when you say a foreign state, Great Britain doesn't leap to people's mind, for the most part..
MR. ELIAS: Right.
MR. GOWDY: ..except for the fact that Chris Steele is a British citizen.
MR. ELIAS. True.
MR. GOWDY: So that could be a foreign country, foreign citizen's effort to influence an election. Agree?
MR. ELIAS: I didn't say a foreign citizen. I said a foreign state.
MR. GOWDY: Does it matter to you whether the person's a current or former employee of that foreign state?
MR. GOWDY: Does it matter whether they're accessing information that may be held by that foreign state?
MR. ELIAS. I mean, we're now into a philosophical discussion perhaps, but..
MR. GOWDY: But it's not philosophical if, if someone relied on Russian sources that were government sources. Then it's outside the realm of the philosophical into the realm of what happened.
MR. ELIAS: Well, first of all, you may know more about what happened than I do.
MR. GOWDY: I don't. That's why I'm asking you.
page 87-88