When you use their own words to expose them they cannot call you a liar, so they try to destroy you.
Remider that the MSM is controlled by zionist Jews.
When you use their own words to expose them they cannot call you a liar, so they try to destroy you.
Remider that the MSM is controlled by zionist Jews.
Calling it that, and the Uber astro-turfing of the term makes it glow.
Trump should indeed be harder on the subversives (specially the zionists), but the whole glowie term and astro-turfing is probably just another gayop.
I support zionist-free MAGA.
Counter-zionist subversion compilation:
Some ready to go effort-posts for spreading around the chans:
Joe Biden reminds us:
"You Dont Have To Be Jewish To Be A Zionist"
Black show host dropping redpills about Jewish supremacism and zog:
Jon Stewart (real name Jonathan Leibowitz) spent years pretending to be White while demonizing Whites, and now says that "we Jews and Blacks should get together and get whitey":
The term is vague, it means nothing for me.
I would like something specific like a version of Trump that would stop promoting the fraudulent term "Judeo-Christian", and would move decisively against zionists and Israeli subversion (which is the main problem all over the West), and would stop promoting zionist Jews and zionist Gentiles running for office.
This seems like either a rebranding campaign (not bad in itself, politics is basically marketing on steroids in a lot of ways), and A/B testing run for Trump’s campaign people (to read the mood of the gen pop, also not a bad thing in itself) or a glowie psyop that will be turned against anti-cabal people in some way sooner or later.
Regardless, I will be staying on message regarding the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion. Remeber, talk and hype is cheap, but what wins wars (and the West is at war, it's Jewish dominated ruling class is waging war against the Western people) is dead enemies (legally off course, always follow the law, and remeber treason is punished with death).
OK Jew.
Racial Jews are a different race. Not all religious Jews are racial Jews thou. And some religious Jews say only racial Jews can truly be real religious Jews.
http://archive.vn/b7R2q - "U.S. Court Rules Jews Are Protected 'Race' Under Civil Rights Act of 1964"
http://archive.vn/4PWBE - "Jews have never been and will never be ‘white’"
http://archive.vn/1qCAS - "Genetic citizenship: DNA testing and the Israeli Law of Return"
http://archive.vn/5BplJ - "Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia"
http://archive.vn/jUTJw - “Jews are not white people, or why Jews support the Left (a response to Dennis Prager)”
http://archive.vn/Tw4PI - “A genome-wide genetic signature of Jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full Jewish ancestry in a large random sample of European Americans”
http://archive.vn/GTPG0 - “Anti-Semitism in America is Nothing New. Don’t Deny Jewish History and Culture by Calling Us “White””
http://archive.vn/7mAtg - “What does it mean to be genetically Jewish?”
http://archive.vn/X1Hqa - “Can 'Jewishness' be proven with a simple saliva test?”
http://archive.vn/9Heup - “Israel's Rabbinical Courts Begin to Recognize DNA Tests, Potentially Opening Gateway to Proving Jewishness”
archive.org/details/TheEuropeanManTweetArchive – Compilation of tweets from “shape-shifting” Jews, Jews that pretend to be White to demonize and demoralize Whites, but that aren’t White, but racial Jews (and racial Jews are not White, read: http://archive.vn/1mdCA ; http://archive.vn/tAzmn )
Black gentleman talking about slavery and the holocaust.
Some "Americans" and their interests (specially pertaining to a foreign are better treated than others thou.
https://archive.vn/k1gU1 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust 'Survivors' In America Free Elder Care"
https://archive.vn/GjItv - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants"
https://archive.vn/NJ6ws - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)"
https://archive.vn/hJCxh - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion"
https://archive.vn/Kkty7 - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel"
https://archive.vn/6oPck - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"
https://archive.vn/0U2HQ - "Billions more of Americans’ tax money to go to Israel"
This documentary explains quite a lot about their mindset and group behavior in various locations in different times.
I am not talking about religion either, I am talking genetics. RACIAL Jews are not White (genetics prove this fact). RELIGIOUS Jews (as in, people who practice Judaism) can be racial Jews or not. Although some RELIGIOUS Jews claim that only RACIAL Jews can truly be real RELIGIOUS Jews. The reason for this is because Judaism is an ideology literally based on racial supremacism (the tribe of Abraham). If you want to learn about the origins of Judaism some 4000 years ago, I suggest you read this book:
"WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins"
Featuring approximately 10,000 citations from about 4,000 all Jewish bibliographic sources, this is a mandatory document for anyone that seeks to understand the modern history of America, the West and the world (given America's super power influence over the Western societies and the whole world).
Good job at trying to deflect from the fact the racial Jews have specific genetics and specific genetic health problems associated to their genetic profile.
They won't be able to pretend to be White anymore. Deal with it.
"All About Genetic Diseases That Strike Sephardic Jews"
Black show host talks about Jewish supremacism.
A longer version of same video. No edits that I can see.
LINK: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I3H3v4ZOERVQ/
Jews that tell the truth (specially about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion) always get targeted by the Jewish mafia.
When zionist Jews control both sides of the uniparty, off course Whites get fucked.
"'Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring'"
"Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews"
"It’s hard for us all to coordinate our stories sometimes, so it appears there are disagreements among us. Fortunately we all agree on the most important issues: eradicating whiteness and undermining its civilizations."
"Jewish Professor Who Called For Destruction of White Race Dies From Literally Being Full Of S**T"
Graph about anti-Gentile racism:
"Staunch promoter of multiculturalism for Australia, says multiculturalism is bad for Israel"
You are either unable to read English, or arguing in bad faith, I already explained to you that the word "Jew" is used for 2 different things: RELIGIOUS Jews (people who practice Judaism, which can be of any race), AND RACIAL Jews (people who have Jewish genes, who might practice Judaism or not). You are either stupid or just playing dumb. Re-read the post: >>16108759
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White Jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>jew shill operation center
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and 4chan to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
Nice projection. Calling me what you are does not make the facts I am posting any less factual. Smile little Jew pedo, the world sees you:
"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"
Jack Bernstein exposed the zionist MO when they are faced with verifiable facts they cannot counter or openly censor:
WARNING: "100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia - Doctrines of Devil"
Brooklyn Shomrim organisers have been accused of withholding information on suspected child molesters and other Jewish criminals, in keeping with an interpretation of the Torah prohibition against mesirah (informing on a fellow Jew to the non-Jewish authorities).[14][15][16]
They are inbreed and non-White.
Dear with it. Or don't, the facts remain the same.
Have more facts regarding Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion:
The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia
Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition
Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish
Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews
Your top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist
The Yiddish roots of antifa – the anti-fascist movement whose precursors date back at least as far as opposition to the Russian czar – have been well documented. They are also enshrined in a canon of Yiddish antifa songs – songs of resistance, anarchism, revolution, and workers’ rights – that listeners might find eerily resonant and applicable to our present moment.
Remember the Black principal who was fired for upsetting Jews for not being willing to lie in their behalf?
Jewish supremacism in full display, ruining lives with full impunity (for now):
https://archive.vn/lwbzT - “Florida principal who told parent he 'can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event' is fired”
-History schoolteacher says: "There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them"
They desperately want to hide the fact that they are not White because then their tactic of pretending to be White when caught doing bad shit and when they want to demonize Whites no longer works.
Why would anyone be against the free speech of a man speaking out against Jewish supremacism? Why would you claim that talking about Jewish subversion is "hate and division"? You are proving his points, that Jews always attack anyone criticizing Jews or Israel.
Also speaking of nazis:
This whole situation in Ukraine with Jewish founded and financed Nazi groups that the ADL endorces because they don't attack Jews (in fact they serve a Jewish president whose government is packed with Jews) reminds me of the Malcom X speech exposing the involvement of American Jews in the KKK and American Nazi groups.
"Malcom X on the Jews"
"ADL Defends Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis: ‘They Don’t Attack Jews Or Jewish Institutions’"
Prior to Azov becoming an integrated part of the Ukrainian military, the group was funded primarily by Ukrainian oligarchs, the most well known of whom was Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky is of Jewish heritage and is an Israeli citizen and well-known billionaire businessman. Despite his being a Jewish Israeli, he had no problem pouring money into neo-Nazi volunteer militias such as the Azov and Aidar, among other far-right groups that feature elements hostile to Jewish people.
Well, white hats should start putting bullets inside heads then, instead of talking about it with the people who can't do that themselves.
I agree with you.
OK groomer Jew, kvetch more while I post about Jewish and Israeli crimes against children.
Here, have more facts:
"The Child-Rape Assembly Line"
"Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg—who is 63 with a long, graying beard—recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a "child-rape assembly line" among sects of fundamentalist Jews."
Posting verifiable fact about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is no shilling nor division nor hatred. Cry more about the fact that you can't censor those facts here like you do on all major platforms.
Have more facts:
https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"
https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”
Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:
https://youtu.be/wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"
https://archive.vn/mPh2x – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi”
https://archive.vn/b5WRf – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.”
https://archive.vn/oUB3V – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen”
https://archive.vn/ilUVp – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees”
https://archive.vn/C1BzD – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries”
The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation):
BARBARA- SPECTRE: We make You multikulti
"Barbara Spectre was born in Madison, Wisconsin… She married Rabbi Philip Spectre, and the couple moved in 1967 to Ashkelon, Israel, where she served on the faculty of Jewish Studies at Achva College of Education… In 1999, she emigrated to Sweden, settling in Stockholm and joining her husband, who was then serving as the Rabbi of the Stockholm Synagogue. The following year, she applied to the Swedish government for the government-funded formation of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, which she has continued to direct.[3] In its first decade of existence (2001-2011), Paideia trained over 200 persons from 35 countries for leadership positions in the renewal of Jewish culture in Europe."
Reminder that posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not shilling nor hateful nor divisive, it's simply posting verifiable fact about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion that are censored in every major platform, and that is very frustrating for all the Israeli Hasbara (aka Israeli state propaganda) shills.
Reminder that the Jewish religious text of the Talmud Approves of pedophilia, and that Epstein was a mossad operation executed for the benefit of Israel, and Epstein never targeted non-Jewish minors.
True. Specially Israel. Related:
Notice how the Israel first traitors in the US body politic want the war, the Kiev rabbi says Jews are going to fight against Putin, and Israel then says they will bring the Ukraine Jews to Israel if there is war. The zionist terrorists are creating a war where only non-Jews will die.
"The Jewish Empire of Satan, led by Israel and consisting of all Anglo and NATO countries, vassals, and possessions, very badly wants to start a war in Eastern Europe to kill as many white people as possible." - Anon