Bullets six of the best digits stol'ed by tard and wasted
just quite
Today is 20/4
things move slowly in the courts and holding the banks to account.
They are slippery fuckers.
patience is something the anons have learned. But rest assured, the latest thing is just a distraction, the real problem is THE SLOW BURN OR THE FROG IN THE BOILING POT!!
Keep eyes on Monkey Werz and the massive cargo ships stationed outside ports in shanghai (thousands of them) and around the globe. Stagflation, food supplies and the continuing crashing of immune systems not only with the vaxxed but also those who have not been vaxxed due to price increases, energy cost and lack of nutrition .
anon has not worked for over two years.
living on the least amount ever, mainly due to health issues, lock downs, pressure with bills and also having someone living with anon who just does not understand how tough things are, anon does not need help, but the closing down of business, constant health and safety rules with covid preconditions from companies continuing to push the rules.
Even though the uk gov has released the people from their lockdowns, the health and safety standands have not been lifted.
Age is against anon as anon is gen x. and also anon will not confirm to ridiculous and unnessassary regulations.
anon is lucky even with all that, not worried about myself, but anon feels for the people who are not used to dealing with authorities, mortgage companies and other utilities including local authorities.
anon has worked all his life, over paid already on pension by four years and still as things get tough all anon hears is immigrants getting this and that while the tax payer and citizen is left to fend for oneself.
It is like a psychological demoralization effort to wind up and stress the populations.
You see anon does not suffer from apathy so feels it but also understands their weapons which is esoteric assault on the human system.
We ride when ready but for now survival is the mission and keep exposing the truth
that is all you need
bit difficult from the uk.
flight restrictions and covid rulez, drones and coppers.
basically living during the 12 monkey movie plot.
He looks like he is smelling farts