My theory, for what it's worth:
Q Team/POTUS working something very MOAB. Q said, "now comes the pain." So, it's coming. 30,000 sealed Fed court documents means a shitstorm of pain. My guess is that Q team is waiting for Congress OIG statements before next big drop. It will coincide with the MOAB that gets dropped by Congress.
The last time Q pumped up the Anons, /they/ murdered children. Q may be holding off in the interest of literally saving the lives of children. /their/ next FFs will grow bigger and bigger…unless, hopefully, NSA-Qs have worked to track the last FF perps and are, "handling," things (like SEAL-style).
Head Q took two-weeks of much needed vacation time. Sangrias in Spain or some shit.
Q is rope-a-doping the Clowns/Shills/Fags/JINOs into a, "Q is gone narrative," until all have outed themselves…then…MOAB! Fuck Yous to all of them poser pussies.
Those are my theories. One or all could be possibilities. Hopefully Head Q is finally taking a much deserved vacay somewhere pleasant with no false-god worshippers to make the place smell like cabbage (ya see what I did there? KEK…dear God! Can you imagine being around Killary smelling like rotting cabbage all day?)