Is SR related to Vegas because Trump was on his way to exposing the "origins" of Trump/Russia?
Let me explain.
The killing of SR triggered the commencement of the illegal psyop to tie Trump to Russia. Why? Because as we know the government ordered a hit through MS13 to "make an example of a leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it".
Q drop 436 appears to say Obama ordered the hit. Passed down through Clapper and down to Brennan.
Is Las Vegas related to SR because the DS did not want to the truth about the REAL source of the DNC leaks to become public knowledge?
Would a certain President have a massive scandal on his hands?
How do you prevent a current President from exposing an Ex-President?
What happened to JFK?
Fun Question. Is the Cover-up worse than the crime?
Sidenote: Immediately after the LV massacre, I remember seeing a video of Trump in LV that I've never been able to find again. In it he said "more information will be revealed at the appropriate time"