Anonymous ID: ece793 April 20, 2022, 1:36 p.m. No.16115035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5276

Professor Cleveland said early on, people were questioning why Durham went after Sussman, he was sort of a low level player, and why only one charge “lying to the FBI”? I guess lying to the CIA is acceptable.


But as I step back, it had to be a somewhat low level player, but quite involved with the Russia hoax. He had to flip someone and coming at them with much more serious charges would just set up an extended legal fight.


My guess is Durham knew he’d get silence and obstruction from anyone else, like they’ve done from the beginning. They are basically saying it’s privileged because an atty was on the room when we planned the coup, by them throwing Sussman under the bus again and again, was proof Sussman had to take the deal.


Now Durham has a flipped witness and is working with Sussman with all he knows, and he knows a lot. If I were him, I would collected, archived had third parties holding all documents, texts, emails, phone conversations, signatures of all people involved.


Sussman knew this day would come he just had to confirm that they were willing to throw him under the bus, before he turned states witness. Now he’ll need 24 hour isolated protection for a very long time.


In exchange he gets a new identity, and disappears into the noise, of all the catastrophic prosecutions to come on all the rest.


BTW I dont think Joffe is at all in a power position, he’s actually in a worse postion than Sussman, he just burned GA Techs contract with the federal government that can actually monitor the WH and Oval Office. He willingly broke the law with a federal government contract. Joffe is really fucked!


I hear from the universe all day today,Oh we are so fucked


yeah likereally fucked


We are not justfucked, we are fucking fucked in a way that no one has been fucked before


Them Panicking is great to hear, when its from fallen ones on this planet

Anonymous ID: ece793 April 20, 2022, 1:44 p.m. No.16115090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5182 >>5225 >>5352

20 Apr, 2022 16:59


Pentagon outlines position on Russian missile test


The Sarmat ICBM test was not a threat and Moscow gave US advance notice, the Pentagon explained


(The Pentagon is trying to de-escalate the tensions Biden and state leaders are ramping up, is my guess. Plus they’re asking who thought it was a good idea to put biden in stage)


Russia’s launch of the new RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was a routine test and not a threat to the US, the Pentagon told reporters. It also did not come as a surprise, since Moscow notified the US in advance under the terms of the still-existing arms control treaty.


“Russia properly notified the US under its New Start treaty obligations that it planned to test this ICBM,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Wednesday afternoon, adding that the test was routine, and the US Defense Department deemed it “not a threat.”


The new missile was launched from the Plesetsk military cosmodrome on Wednesday morning, with Russian President Vladimir Putin calling it an “event of great significance” for the country.


“This truly unique weapon will strengthen the potential of our armed forces, reliably ensure the security of Russia from external threats and give pause to those who try to threaten us in the heat of frenzied aggressive rhetoric,” Putin said.


The new missile is able to penetrate all modern defenses, and will have no analog anywhere in the world for a long time, the Russian president added.


The test missile launched from Plesetsk and flew across the entire length of Russia, before touching down in the designated target area on the Kamchatka peninsula in the far east. The “Sarmat” is expected to complete trials by the end of this year, at which point it will officially enter service with Russia’s strategic missile forces.


Intended to replace the existing R-36 “Voevoda” silo-based ICBMs, the “Sarmat” can carry more weapons and can be fitted with the new hypersonic glider warheads, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement about the launch.

Anonymous ID: ece793 April 20, 2022, 1:47 p.m. No.16115122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5182 >>5225 >>5352

20 Apr, 2022 17:20


Ukraine sends mixed messages on ‘Easter truce’


Kiev agrees with UN secretary-general’s call for a pause in fighting ahead of the Orthodox Easter


(Seems like Ukrainian fuckers and NATO are planning attacks on Orthodox Easter Sunday)


The foreign ministry of Ukraine said on Wednesday that Kiev is in favor of a four-day “Easter ceasefire” proposed by the UN secretary general, and remains committed to resolving the conflict with Russia peacefully and through diplomacy.


However, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, had a day earlier, contradicted this stance by telling French media the solution could be found only on the battlefield.


“We fully share the opinion that a humanitarian pause is necessary for the safe evacuation of thousands of civilians wishing to leave the dangerous zones of ongoing and possible hostilities, primarily from the long-suffering Mariupol,” the ministry said on Wednesday.


“We confirmed our agreement with the proposal for a humanitarian ceasefire, forwarded by the deputy secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief, Martin Griffiths,” the ministry said, adding that Ukraine “always has been and remains committed to solving the conflict by peaceful and diplomatic means.”


On Tuesday evening, however, Kuleba said something entirely different.


“The question of ending the war with Russia will be resolved on the battlefield, not at the negotiating table,” Kuleba told the French news channel France 24. “This is not a question we intend to resolve through diplomacy.”


Earlier on Tuesday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called on Russia to accept a four-day Easter ceasefire in Ukraine, starting on Thursday. Most Russians and Ukrainians belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church, which celebrates Easter on April 24 this year.


“Inspired by the Holy Week, I urge all parties, and all champions of peace around the world, to join my Easter appeal,” Guterres said in New York. “Save lives. Stop the bloodshed and destruction.”


The Russian Foreign Ministry has not officially responded to this initiative. Moscow’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, told the Security Council on Tuesday that Ukraine has repeatedly misused or refused to use humanitarian corridors Russia has offered for evacuation of civilians, and that he saw no point in “playing games” with Kiev on the issue.


Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, pointed out that within an hour of Guterres calling for a humanitarian truce, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for the West to send more heavy weapons to Ukraine, to “ensure Russia does not win the war.”


“A very consistent position of the international community,” Medvedev commented.

Anonymous ID: ece793 April 20, 2022, 2:03 p.m. No.16115213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

20 Apr, 2022 17:00


‘Libs of TikTok’ was doxed for exposing liberals owning themselves

Washington Post’s hypocritical doxing of the anti-grooming activist is what conservatives have come to expect from liberal media

Ian Miles Cheong


“Democracy dies in darkness.” The Washington Post’s creed, proudly displayed on its masthead, was intended to refer to the necessity of honest, ethical journalism in the post-truth age – ostensibly in response to the “fake news” so prevalent during the Trump era.


The publication’s reporters have opted to go after a person whose mission is ostensibly to expose the erosion of morality in America’s public schools – and they chose to do so in a way that disregards that person’s safety and opens her up to potential harassment and real-world danger.


Taylor Lorenz, a former New York Times tech and internet culture journalist best known for falsely accusing tech entrepreneur Marc Andreessen of using a slur in conversation, and for crying about online harassment, took it upon herself to dox the individual behind the popular conservative Libs of TikTok account on Twitter.


Libs of TikTok is a Twitter account that rose to prominence by curating a feed of educators on TikTok –kindergarten and public-school teachers, college professors, – who promote transgenderism to minors and Critical Race Theory in schools. The account has also amplified the voices of otherwise voiceless parents concerned about the wellbeing of their children, who they feel are victimized by leftist ideology.


Accruing more than 755,000 followers on Twitter, her work consists almost entirely of publicly available content posted on social media by the very “libs” now attempting to hide from a broader audience. Now, the account’s owner has been subject to death threats.


It goes without saying that Libs of TikTok, effective in its simplicity, has become crucial in the pushback against woke ideological capture….


Provided time and patience, almost anyone could do what she does – but she was the only one to step up to the plate. And for that, the Washington Post decided to take her down. The anonymous Twitter account’s real-world identity had, in their estimation, become a matter of public interest.


As a young woman on the front lines of the culture war, her work isn’t without risk. Libs of TikTok has received no small amount of harassment for her critical work – but one wouldn’t expect one of America’s most credentialed newspapers to be the ones to do it.


The woke left would rather deafen their audience to what they’re actually saying, crouching their demands as pleas for tolerance for the indefensible. And as for anyone who dares to say, “Look, they’re grooming kids,” the sentence is social death. Libs of TikTok isn’t going to get a job outside of conservative media.


The right to remain anonymous on social media should be respected, especially by journalists like Lorenz who’ve gone on record to complain about the dangers of having their privacy eroded. Just weeks before publishing the exposé on Libs, the Washington Post journalist went on national television to cry about her experience as a journalist online–breaking down in tears over the comments she’s received from innumerable critics, some of whom shared details of her personal life.


“I have severe PTSD from this,” said Lorenz. “I contemplated suicide and got really bad.


If Lorenz is telling the truth, tshe knows firsthand the consequences of being targeted by the Internet – and that she willingly put another woman in the same predicament.


As she was digging up details about Libs of TikTok, Lorenz contacted accounts she believed may be involved with Libs of TikTok, warning them they were "implicated as starting a hate campaign against LGBTQ people." Lorenz also tried to involve Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary Christina Pushaw.


In the published article, the Washington Post linked the personal details of Libs of TikTok, including her full name, personal address, and employer information – only to remove it afterward without a single notice of retraction. Hours later, the publication released a statement claiming that it “did not publish or link to any details about her personal life” – easily contradicted with a look at a cached first version of the article on the Wayback Machine or


Journalistic malpractice? You bet.


It is a sad reflection of the state of the mainstream media when so many journalists refuse to call out the journalistic malpractice of a major news publication – and worse still, even amplify the work as a good example of ethical journalism. At this rate, democracy will die in darkness,and there will be no one left to press “F” to pay respects.

Anonymous ID: ece793 April 20, 2022, 2:12 p.m. No.16115265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

20 Apr, 2022 16:45

Germany sets Russian oil ban deadline

Europe’s largest economy plans to wean itself off the supply by the end of the year, the Foreign Ministry says


Germany will stop importing oil from Russia by the end of this year, said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Wednesday, according to Reuters.


(Hahahahahahaha, what do they think the world is stupid? They figure no journalists will ask a f/u question at the end of the year)


“I therefore say here clearly and unequivocally, yes, Germany is also completely phasing out Russian energy imports,” Baerbock said after a meeting with her Baltic counterparts.


“We will halve oil by the summer and will be at zero by the end of the year, and then gas will follow, in a joint European roadmap, because our joint exit, the complete exit of the European Union, is our common strength,” she said.


Europe’s biggest economy has recently intensified efforts to reduce its exposure to Russian energy imports. Statistics show Russian oil accounted for 25% of German imports as of the beginning of April, down from 35% before the start of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. A stoppage of gas imports is tougher for Germany, which in the first quarter received 40% of deliveries from Russia.


Some European nations have been calling for a complete stop to Russian energy imports. This month, the EU approved a ban on Russian coal, but could not reach an agreement on an oil and natural gas embargo. Russia supplies around 40% of the EU’s natural gas and provides around a third of the bloc’s oil needs.

Anonymous ID: ece793 April 20, 2022, 2:16 p.m. No.16115303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

20 Apr, 2022 14:50

Russia successfully test fires ‘unique’ missile – Putin

New ICBM launched in final tests before adoption by military


Russia’s new RS-28 Sarmat Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile was launched successfully from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the north of the country, the military reported on Wednesday. The test launch was the first in a series of trials required for the adoption of the new weapon by Russia’s strategic forces.


The missile flew across the whole country, touching down at a test site in Russia’s Far East. “Inert warheads touched down in a designated area at the Kura training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula,” the military said.


The new silo-based strategic missile is set to replace the R-36M/R-36M2 Voevoda ICBMs. Compared to its predecessor, the Sarmat can carry more weapons, as well as be fitted with new types of warheads,including “hypersonic glider units”, the military noted.


President Vladimir Putin called the launch an “event of great significance” for Russia, congratulating the military on the successful test launch.


“The new system has top tactical and technical characteristics and is able to penetrate all modern anti-missile defenses. It has no analogues in the world and will not have any for a long time,” Putin said.


This truly unique weapon will strengthen the potential of our armed forces, reliably ensure the security of Russia from external threats and make think, those who try to threaten us in the heat of frenzied aggressive rhetoric.


Footage of the launch released by Russia’s military shows the missile leaving its silo. The Sarmat ejects a protective engine cover, corrects itself in the air, then blasts off into the skies.


Trials of the new missile are expected to be completed later this year. After that, the Sarmat will officially enter service and the first munitions will be supplied to the country’s strategic missile forces.

Anonymous ID: ece793 April 20, 2022, 2:22 p.m. No.16115336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

20 Apr, 2022 15:57

The West may have just killed the G20

With their demarches against Russia, Western members of the global club are demolishing its purpose

By Sergey Strokan,


April 20, 2022 has every chance of going down in the history of modern international relations as the day that led to the sudden demise of the G20, which represents the leading economies of the Western and non-Western world.


The events taking place in Washington as part of the meeting – during which the finance ministers of the ‘The Big 20’, as the group is unofficially referred to, were supposed to look for collective answers to the main challenges facing the world economy – lost their meaning amid the grandiose scandal that broke out in the American capital.


US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak immediately announced they would boycott any G20 events attended by Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. Thus, the dialogue between the leading economies of the East and West – for which, in fact, the ‘20’ was created at one time – was disrupted even before it began.


For the same reason, the finance ministers of the G20 countries were forced to refuse in advance to adopt a joint final communique on the results of the Washington meeting, as this turned out to be impossible due to the presence of Russia among its participants. The Western states have categorically refused to talk to Moscow since the start of its military operation in Ukraine, and demanded that it be excluded from the G20.


“Russia and President Putin have shown himself and themselves to be a pariah in the world. And the president’s view is that he has no place at an international forum,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said.


“According to the latest forecasts, Russia’s GDP will shrink by 11%. A state default in Russia is only a matter of time,” European Commission Head Ursula von der Leyen confidently said before the Washington G20 meeting, demonstrating her determination to exacerbate tensions, despite the increasingly tangible side effects for Western economies.


Thus, by trying to enlist the non-Western part of the world in the sanctions war they have unleashed against Russia, as well as their campaign to isolate it, the United States and its Western allies killed ‘The Big 20’, splitting it into two camps.


In addition to the Group of Seven states and the European Union, the G20 includes the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), as well as a number of other countries that won’t accept the idea of excluding Russia – Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and South Korea among them.


However, by acting in this way, our ‘Western partners’ have crossed all imaginable and unthinkable red lines. In particular, they ignored the position of the current chair of the G20 – Indonesia – and tried to deprive it of its legal right to determine the meeting’s agenda.


As a result, on April 20, 2022, the G20, which was created in December of 1999 in order to overcome the split between the West and East and engage in global crisis management, found itself for the first time in its history in a situation where its own members were engaged in generating risks, instead of containing them.


Thus, they shot themselves in the foot. The costs the current crisis will exact on the international system will only increase, while eroding the positions of the US and Western financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank within it.This includes the loss of the dollar’s central position in global finance, and the accelerated formation of new payment systems, which will make it impossible to preserve or restore the old-world order in which Washington played a central role.


(Hmmm sounds like it was planned all along…kek)