and then D_rham dove right into the crock pot and fought off the garlic and baby carrots and challots
and the D_rham siezed the salad barr in a dressings
but then D_rham invited canaidan bacon to squat cobbler all-youcaneat soup and salad appetizer
> D_rham invited canaidan bacon to squat cobbler
> D_rham invited canaidan bacon to squat cobbler
D_rham connected to canadian bacon commiting pizzagate blaphemy with pen apple pineapple pen
> pizzagate blaphemy with pen apple pineapple pen
#bofoitunes is not affiliated with silly hat contest
Trump's watch found alledged in $hillary.jpeg backchannel turd burger says bannongapes witness
>backchannel turd burger says bannongapes witness
bannongapes witness went on to describe hunter biden's CP laptop gently doxxin Nixon tapes with photochopped HRC emails
>pen apple pineapple pen
>> pizzagate blaphemy
and their daughters committed abominations before them