It's going to be a good day.
>I could really use a good day right now
>We all could
You've got this. We've got this.
It has been narrowed down to one of the following:
Fungus Schizo Persona #13
Tiresias on ecstasy
Not_Toilet (CM's current online meme campaign manager)
If I was one of the Chosen Ones on TS right now I would reply to Q thusly:
We've seen the pic, @q, your arm ain't that big.
The B Larp on Q's private board is so much better, amirite?
Many of us are familiar with the background of your story, FJ.
>heavy shilling means habbenings afoot
Maybe, just maybe, 1% of the time this tritely banal QR supposed axiom is accurate.
I got the Notable for it because I'm better looking.
It's not fair, but that's the way the world works, Anon.
All seriousness aside, I just like to be first with the Truth Q, but leave the capping for other anons to get the glory of Muh Notable.
Concur - the G20 is a total larp and should be ignored.
The most significant downshift in quantity and quality here occurred in the month or two following 01/20/21.
It's been fairly solid state at the new normal since.
Rally nights (altho recent ones have slipped) and the B post on 5/29/21 that set off the Q alerts are the spiked activity exceptions.
kek that was good
I don't FilterFag, but might reconsider now that Truth Q is teaching Truthers how to do it there.
These scratchy record posts are as much of a daily fixture on QR as Swordy is.
I'll know a day is especially fucky when I don't see any of these kinds of posts.
I still 'member the Anon that filtered Q back in the day.
Then spent the rest of the bread panic posting asking for help on how to undo it.
Good times.
Now this bread has turned out to be a weird one.
Because it doesn't seem like it has the pace of a 3+ hour bread, but it do.
Along with the deltas off the early posts, having those key figures interacting with it the way they do makes it 'dasting af.
It's status lies somewhere in the middle between It's a Total Larp!!! and It's Q!!!
>one of the biggest jokes if all around here
Because the banned are never really banned despite the efforts of multiple different admins over the entire history of QR.
Speed bump is a moar accurate descriptor.