We should split the world into two sides. One side is White and Asianโฆ
The other side is Jews and Browns.
Why such imagery goyim?
My entire family was soaped and lampshaded. The other entire family fled to NYC in 1933 and barely escaped the showers and haircuts.
We are all human goyim.
Dont be mean to homos on an anonymous image board. The jewish nazis are in antartica talking to satan. Steve Quayle told me n a vision. Pray for potus goyim.
Amazing! I read in an (((american))) jewspapwr today about how Ford was totally for the allies and (((FDR))) praised Ford for his contributions in the war effort.
So weird they neglect o mention this stuff. Its almost like they are ying or something.
No chemicals can do more damage than the TV does through brainwashing. Why are patriotards so fucking dense? Clue. You still watch TV.
Good businessman.
God bless Adolf Hitler.
The eternal avatar.
Jesus with a sword.
The promised second coming.
Hail victory!
Go fuck yourself lyin' jew.
You will not get away with this.
Nice attempt to not (you) me.
Just like a lyin' jew would.
Nice try again liberal faggot
We don't need jew.
Whites unite. Don't worry you will have a safe flight to israel. But you will not be allowed to stay here and sow division against whites anymore.
Go to israel and take your pet niggers and faggots with you.
Subversive jew looking for a parachute after Trump won.
Not going to work holohoaxer.