>>16121676 PB
Libtards are always loud, rude, and obnoxious.
They act like giant 2 year olds, and think they can get their own way by having melt downs and shouting.
>>16121676 PB
Libtards are always loud, rude, and obnoxious.
They act like giant 2 year olds, and think they can get their own way by having melt downs and shouting.
>>16121676 PB
Why can't these loud mouths be escorted out by security?
School Boards don't tolerate this kind of behavior, and shut people down who actually have the floor.
So many double standards.
No spankings.
That is assault and adults can get arrested if they go around hitting another adult, so why should they be able to hit kids?
The problem is that these kids aren't even getting time-outs anymore. Their Libtard parents are approving of their bad behavior, defending it, and encouraging it.
Just say No to sex with kids.
It's not that difficult of a concept.
We don't let kids do whatever they feel like doing.
Conservatives just want to be left alone.
They never go on the Offensive, they only play Defensive.
Libtards are Offensive.
That is why Trump is our Champion, he is teaching Conservatives how to fight. Not just Defensively but Offensively.
No Game was ever won by just playing Defense.
If we want to stop running around in circles trying to get away from our Enemy, we have to learn how to Fight.
Whatever their motive might be,
each should be judged for their own individual crimes, not as a group of people.
Anyone who plays any role in harming children, needs to go down.
I pray without ceasing for the innocents who are being abused.
May God strike down their offenders.
Tolerance is not a virtue.
We are not supposed to tolerate Evil.
Once again the Libtards got it wrong.
They want everyone to Tolerate all of their perversions, but have no Tolerance for anyone who opposes their narrative.
There is nothing new about homos existing, but they used to keep to themselves and stay on the fringes.
Nowadays they are celebrated for being "brave"
It has not only become socially acceptable to be homo, it has been encouraged.
Young people looking for acceptance and attention are being glorified for being LGBTQ+
It's the having long hair of the 60s.
It's the "cool" thing to do.