Well, as an elder anon, I have posted many more times than that in a bread. But only when the bread was on fire and the hivemind was bringing in the digs.
All relevant posts. Not stupid chit.
Well, as an elder anon, I have posted many more times than that in a bread. But only when the bread was on fire and the hivemind was bringing in the digs.
All relevant posts. Not stupid chit.
There's a damn good reason these faggot transplants from somewhere else never go outside the city limits of the Texas metros they've infected!
There's Texans out there.
JFC! Hairy chest with a satin bustier and corduroy bell bottoms??
Who dresses these faggots/ Too tacky!
yeah? Well don't be taking your spot out of my land.
Millstones? We're gonna need a lot of millstones!
Yeah. Go with that.