>[They] are from a clockwork universe btw.
Very different from ours. Completely different sub-structure.
What, like river water flows against gravity? Freezes at high temperature and boils at low temperature? That kinda ‘completely different’?
>[They] are from a clockwork universe btw.
Very different from ours. Completely different sub-structure.
What, like river water flows against gravity? Freezes at high temperature and boils at low temperature? That kinda ‘completely different’?
> private 1 on 1 with djt
Ya, my question he could answer me in ‘secret’… did he ever really believe there was a deadly global pandemic of an airborne pathogenic nature? Because the con started from the first words, and a whole lot of crap is built upon it.
Not so fast.
It’s an important subject and worthy of debate.
At least consider a few more options.
Now I’m just spitballing here…