Most birth control pills dont prevent conception, they just change the hormonal balance of the lining of the womb and the fertilized egg is prevented from implanting itself into the lining. Essentially: abortion
Most birth control pills dont prevent conception, they just change the hormonal balance of the lining of the womb and the fertilized egg is prevented from implanting itself into the lining. Essentially: abortion
I hate the MSM. They try their best to embarrass the President on overseas trips.
youtu .be/ShfA7d7gZhI
there are products that prevent fertilization, thus truly prevent pregnancy, but as with most things most of us, for so long, just trusted (((them))) and didnt bother looking into it to make an informed choice.
talkingpointsmemo .com/livewire/photo-of-obama-louis-farrakhan-to-be-released?utm_content=bufferff926&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Lets try this again
done thanks