Independence Day was an outstanding Hollywood/Military co-production
Do you believe anyone to have more power than POTUS?
Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.
OTOH, Trump's bullying of Germany didn't make it to cancel the NS2 gas pipeline …it took Biden's clever trap that Putin fell in to
>Who are the Wizards & Warlocks?
something to do with larping … Dungeons & Dragons stuff
>Wizards and Warlocks = No Such Agency
DARPA researched parapsychology, remote viewing, wizards and shit ,,, thus it makes sense that NSA has Patriot Wizards who use their psychic abilities to fight the Satanic Cabal
>>What do they mean by “Our Democracy”?
>Besides their thievery?
>Our Demo Cracy
>Our Demonstration (of) Crazy
Democracy comes form Greek, Demos the people, kratos, the power …
demonstration comes from Latin … de- (“of or concerning”) + monstrare (“show”)
>>>16131314 (You)
>The war machine feeds on blood
>Per the Constitution, we aren't to have a standing Army. The idea of permanent military control over the civilian office of the CinC is un-Constitutional.
>George Washington was "military" and so were most of those who were some of the first Presidents ever to take office.
LOL, the chain of command ends or begins in POTUS, he's the Commader-in-Chief, or as Q liked to say Commander and Chief … nobody in the military can command POTUS
>It's a fucken poem
>Is everyone retarded?
>It certainly predate independence day
>We all know dat right?
>Sheeh Boyadee sittin' on a hot stove.
>This is what happens when prosecutors rely on google for their research
most people know the line, like MGT from the Hollywood movie, directly or indirectly, but Google/Wikipedia will tell the origin of the phrase
probably fake …
if it was meant for the children, the term Common Core would not have been used … and the children would not have been given contradictory answers as correct
check this
>Something big is coming
Dec 19, 2019 4:04:18 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2c6a4a No. 7563273
Important to read and understand.
>>>16131637 (You)
>That's a relief, TY.
>I've seen this debate go around.
>This anon took math all the way to calculus 2 and I swear I don't recall any "left to right" rule so I get 1 for an answer. Need to go back to skool I guess
well but as the one guy said in the reddit thread the equations in serious contexts are always written clearly and unambiguously so that these kind of puzzling situations don't appear
this is so well put i have to quote
"Writing this type of mathematical expression 20/5(22) is like writing an english sentence without punctuation.
If you write "let's eat grandpa", it could mean both that you want to eat your grandfather, or that you are inviting your grandfather to eat. With a comma, the sentence becomes unambiguous. For example "let's eat, grandpa".
Its the same in math, if you don't write enough parentheses, your expressions become ambiguous. That's not something you want. Math should be unambiguous.
Note that we have a certain convention, named order of operation, that allows you to make sense of a mathematical expression where the parentheses are missing. But this is just a convention, and it's not even universally accepted (for some details). Some people will perform multiplication before division, some people will apply from left to right, etc …
TL;DR : Write your expressions with parentheses and nobody will eat your grandfather."