>Maybe it was fake?
But it was on the News. Why wouldn't you believe it?
>Raymond Spencer uploaded a video showing the crosshairs on a scope as it panned across a street and building shooting indiscriminately as his intended targets fled.
Fuckin' seriously?
Did he mount a go-pro to his fuckin scope?
Do people actually believe this tripe?
>what on earth could be so big that they need this much cover?
Their ridiculous claim that their FalseFlag would take time to upload a video from the go-pro'd scope on his gun.
>if there is a camera looking through his scope…
>where the fuck is he looking
And the fools will believe it is reeel!
Gay as hell
The reticle is clearly added post-process.
It wouldn't be pixelated or have gaps.
(for you noguns types, that's the circle with the dot in the middle.)
>original 1920x1080 clip (120 MB) found at
Is the reticle smooth and complete or is it a pixelated mess?
He'll just be a cryin' fag like Boner. Bahener or whatever that turd was called.
So are you asserting that the guy put a gopro on his sights, went shooting and then took a little break to post to 4chan and reveal hisself?
>The easy access to weapons has got to stop.
We've got to ship billions in guns and ammo to Ukraine!
>I'm on FB restriction for two days
Suggestion: use that time to disengage from FB. You don't need it.