only 1 pair of halfway decent tits in that whole set
the comments are full of keks
they're now facetiously demanding to show dicks for boxer brief ads
guess it's only okay to show nudity if you're a big corporate blue check account
otoh if america had naked news like other places, i'd probably watch the news
man what
youtube naked news
i have no idea what's going on
why in the hell would you do that to me anon
yea all it has is the age restricted thing
had no idea they allowed that shit until just now
all i was trying to do was find those fine ass news anchors in other countries that read the weather forecasts
3rd row 4th over about the only decent ones, still not a handful though
>wonder if the d.c shooter was a muslim convert
i wonder if he was on ssri meds
kek did you really just shoop all those in?
makes one think if that's allowed by a major page, what goes unnoticed on their alts
pic 2 best shape milkers
similar to that chick with the kek flag who posted during the 8ch days
shows dedication
well done
man shut the fuck up and turn off the internet
every single person in that vid is a grown ass adult
holy fuck the amount of soft faggots on here these days
now this otoh is what needs the rope
what if earth is sim city for ayys?
>To have mobs take the law into their own hands is unacceptable – and dangerous. Such actions erode and undermine the rule of law, which is precious, valuable, and very fragile. It is far easier to erode the rule of law than it is to build it up in the first place, brick by painful brick.
>These radical Marxist revolutionaries are exploiting the legitimate heart-felt protests against police misconduct and residual racism in our society to attempt to tear down our society. This radical mob wants to delegitimize our history, our heritage, and our government in order to enact a new Marxist, socialist society. Unless we insist our government enforce the rule of law and put a stop to this dangerous nonsense, it will continue.