Ginger Luck for an Epic Bread
and….would she have a problem with this picture?
She's dressed in a robe after-all. Reminiscent of biblical dress wouldn't you say?
yeah….thats a stretch
I don't think Trump would be giving out that kind of symbolism lest it be taken the wrong way. It's not logical
ok get a piece of paper
stand up and hold it in front of you
make sure you hold it with your thumb and forefinger in front of each corner.
now tell me
can you raise your hands comfortably higher up?
NO you cant dumb ass
This significance of this picure is he is doing the letter Q in sign language.
Look it up
Yeah that's just the signal POTUS wants to send us
the image of him wearing a masonic apron
Are you retarded? That's the last way he would send us a message.
Next thing you know he'll be covering one eye with his hand, right?
"Symbolism will be their downfall" and he is sure not going to project that symbolism on himself
No disrespect but where in the bible does it say any of that about Mary?
Also, where in the bible does it say to worship Mary?
I know you've been raised this way and so your world view has no other understanding. But, Reread your bible and reread the parts about Mary. I'm reminding you as gently as I can that Jesus is the ONLY way…the only way to heaven and to God. Not through any Saints, not through the Pope, not through your local Priest, not through any shrine or holy place, and not through Mary.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6
Praying to Mary is prayer that should be directed to Jesus.
Why does she need to intercede?
Talk directly to him. YOU don't need an intermediary. That's the whole point
no coffee but we have covfefe….and it's better anyway
How very Lucifarian of you
You do you
I have Catholics in my family so I understand
But I'm just telling you that praying to Mary is not biblical and maybe you aren't ready to hear it and so I'm probably wasting my breath. However, maybe one day you'll investigate what I'm saying and question the tradition in favor of the biblical.
>Wedding at CANA
Jesus did the miracle.
What exactly did Mary do?
She told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do….that's it. And so this is why you say it's biblical to pray to her?
nope gotta have something better than that
You are right that I don't see a joke
But maybe you don't realize that Lucifarians think Lucifer is Christ
Thus my comment
So I was right in the first place. So I restate
How very Lucifarian of you. You do realize this is a spiritual war and that you are on the losing side.
Shills, Clowns, and Lucifarians…Oh my
You would think they would stop using the same terminology