baby diarhetics found in pelosi's juw coCIAne onhunter biden;s CP laptop elongapes private plane only holds fifty kilos
baby diarhetics found in pelosi's juw coCIAne onhunter biden;s CP laptop elongapes private plane only holds fifty kilos
getting closer to touched time
touching fo sho
touched nostalgia
nail sucker wants touched
>Canada got touched
elon still waits to get touched by big hand
when will elon get touched by big hands ?
>when will elon get touched by big hands ?
>when will elon get touched by big hands ?
>when will elon get touched by big hands ?
prime jungle faggot bilbos are taking bets from gahyniggs on chan boards right now
put your big hands on elon already
use obama's big black hands on elon
>use obama's big black hands on elon
>>when will elon get touched by big hands ?
>prime jungle faggot bilbos are taking bets from gahyniggs on chan boards right now
bill gate's hands not big nuff
elon almost touched in his Q
jordan peterson babel$ in drugs in disease under pseudonym
>>elon almost touched in his Q
>RINO's almost invade elon's Q
elon's triple red rocket ready Q gaskets are tested triple faggot safe in space and beyond
>>>elon almost touched in his Q
>>RINO's almost invade elon's Q
>elon's triple red rocket ready Q gaskets are tested triple faggot safe in space and beyond
double gasketed feature has been tested up to four faggots at once
>>>>elon almost touched in his Q
>>>RINO's almost invade elon's Q
>>elon's triple red rocket ready Q gaskets are tested triple faggot safe in space and beyond
>double gasketed feature has been tested up to four faggots at once
double gasketed feature can do squat cobler landings too
>>>>>elon almost touched in his Q
>>>>RINO's almost invade elon's Q
>>>elon's triple red rocket ready Q gaskets are tested triple faggot safe in space and beyond
>>double gasketed feature has been tested up to four faggots at once
>double gasketed feature can do squat cobler landings too
designed for crisco which is a hoggjoos
ken is dumber than daniel